Training Week: The Loser's Punishment!! Pt.2

Start from the beginning

*Two hours later*

(Y/N's) POV Phew! That was one good day! But there is one thing that is bothering me a lot. Just who is that person in the flashback? I must find out. I walked back with Shinoa and Mitsuba. How fun! We're going to have a sleepover! I then brought my pj's over to their dorm, because they shared it. "Oh gosh, this is gonna be soooo fun!" Mitsuba hollered. "Yeah, it certainly will!" I yelled. Shinoa hushed us, "Be more quiet, or else we'll get in trouble." "Right." Mitsuba said, nervously. After thirty long minutes of chit chat, we finally decided to have a pillow fight. "Alright! Let's have a pillow fight!" I screamed. I randomly got a pillow from Shinoa's bed and threw it at Mitsuba. "Oh, you're on. Let's do this." We fought and threw pillows until it was 8:30 PM. "I'm tired." I said yawning. "I'm gonna go take a bath in your dorm, is that okay?" Shinoa smirked. "Oh, yes it is." (Poor you, you don't know Shinoa's "innocent" side) Once I got in the bath, it was warm. "Ah...a wonderful bath." I lay down closing my eyes, sinking my mouth and nose deep in there. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Shinoa and Mitsuba popped out and started groping my breasts. "Hey-ACK! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!!" I yelled, embarrassed. Shinoa laughed. "(Y/N)~, you have a nice body, use it for a man." I was about to throw up. "What the hell?" Mitsuba chuckled. "Hehe, Shinoa can know...." Shinoa smirked. "Oh well, I did that to Mitsuba, she was way more loud." *sighs* "It was fun seeing your reaction." "You guys!" I said, shaking my head. I quickly got out of the shower and changed into my comfy pajamas. After calming down, we finally brushed our teeth and got in bed. We pushed Shinoa's and Mitsuba's bed together so it would be a bigger bed to fit all of us in. I chose one side, and Shinoa chose the other. So, Mitsuba was in the middle. "Hey guys, today was super fun. I wish we can still do these things together again." Mitsbua whispered. I nodded. "Yeah, same. Hey Shinoa?" No answer. "Shinoa..." No answer. "Ha, she must be asleep, (Y/n)," Mitsuba said. "Yeah," I replied. "Lets' go to sleep too, okay?" Mitsuba nodded, and we all slowly drifted off to sleep. And, the last thing (Y/N) heard were distant shouting...

*Meanwhile...At the Boys' dorm*
(Yoichi's) POV
Shouting was heard from next door. "OI YUICHIRO, KEEP THOSE FILTHY HANDS OFF OF KISEKI-Ō!!!" There was Kimizuki's voice.
"BUT I WANNA TOUCH IT!!!" And the whining Yuu-chan's voice. *Sigh* I should stop them, shouldn't I?
"And what if you lose?"
"....I will sadly follow your orders." I heard Kimizuki chuckle. "Bring. It. On." Oh no.
And.....let's didn't go well. Bang! Crash! I cringed. What was going on in there? *Sigh* I'm gonna stop them now. I walked over and knocked. Hm...I guess their still fighting. I gently opened the door. Creak! I came in and slowly crept up to them. They had their weapons out, and I almost fainted. "G-Guys! Don't f-fight! It could break some valuable ite-" Crash. Oh boy. "Guys! Could you please calm down! Violence is never the solution!" I said, putting my hands up. They slowly turned around, glaring at me. I winced and backed down. "What did you say Yoichi?" Yuu said, narrowing his eyebrows. I started sweating. "Uh...nothing...!" They walked up towards me and growled in my face. "Oh, violence is always the solution." I gave up. I walked towards the door and quickly sprang outside, not wanting to be part of their "fight". I sighed again. It's always the smallest detail they fight about. Forget about this sleepover I planned. Like that's ever gonna happen. Oh well, I should get back. I opened the door to my dorm and quickly fell on the bed, exhausted. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, turned off the lights, and finally lay on my bed. I blushed at the thought of (Y/N) sleeping next to me. 'Ack! Yoichi! What are you thinking? Just go to sleep!' I stared at the black ceiling once more before everything was dark.

(Kimizuki's) POV
Ugh. Now I have to deal with this brat again. But luckily, the punishment I said to him made him follow my orders. He actually challenged me! Bwahahaha! What an idiot! The fight started soon enough as Yuichiro punched me in the face, and I kicked him in the you-know-what-place. "OUCH!" he hollered. I smirked and started punching him in all sorts of areas, and finally Yuichiro kicked me in the stomach. "Argh..." He smiled in triumph. We walked closer to each other, pulling our shirts togegter, our faces nearly touching. As I was about to send another punch to his gut, a Yoichi silently inside. My gaze turned to him, and so did Yuichiro's. Yoichi looked frightened. "G-Guys! Don't f-fight! Blah blah blah, another lecture from the him Once Yoichi finished talking, Yuichiro walked up to Yoichi and glared at him. "What did you just say?" I saw Yoichi tremble in fear. "Uh...nothing...!" I rolled my eyes. Yoichi quickly ran back outside, slamming the door shut. Yuichiro looked at me and smirked. "Let's finish this."
*5 minutes later*
DAMN IT!!!! I lost! I had that one chance! And....I missed that opportunity. Dang. Now Yuichiro can't even be my slave. Hmpf! Yuichiro was laughing so hard. Ugh, I will never forgive him!

(Yuu's) POV
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I can't believe Kimizuki lost! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This will be a fun thing to tell everyone tomorrow! HAHA!! I'm crying right now. Haha! After the laughing died down, Kimizuki and I brushed our teeth, washed our faces, and lay in bed. "Ah...I'm calm now." I said, trying to stifle a laugh. Kimizuki ignored me. I looked up at the ceiling, thinking about my past. Mika, Akane, everyone... I miss you guys dearly. One day, I will beat all the vampires and save (Y/N). 'Cause I love her so dearly. Protecting her is my first priority. I sighed. I turned over to Kimizuki, he was snoring and fast asleep which made me giggle like a child. "Hahaha...He's snoring!" Then I turned serious again. (Y/N), I shall protect you no matter what. Even if it costs me my life, because I am your knight, and I won't ever let you become shattered again.

To be continued...

~OOOH! That was one gigantic chapter! I hope you like this, and who is that mysterious girl making flower crowns with (Y/N) and Amy? Was that just your imagination? Or was it actual real? Hahaha. That was my best to make it sound detective-ish. Oh well! Oh yeah, if you know who it is, don't tell anyone. It's a secret until the end of the chapter! Until then, see ya!~


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