Chapter 1

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*Alyssa's Point Of View*

   I woke up with the obnoxious sound of my alarm. Jesus Christ I'm already tired of this sound. "Shut uuuuppp!!" I screamed. Yeah, because screaming at the clock that's on the other side of the room -yes, I have my clock on the other side of the room, to make myself get up- is really going to stop it.

   I rolled around in my bed sheets, trying to wake up my legs, but failed this task as I ended up falling on the floor. "Ow. That felt good." I guess I can crawl to the clock?

   This isn't embarrassing at all. Crawling on my bedroom floor with the sheets over my body. Yeah, so normal.

   Once I managed to reach my desk, realization hit me. "Son of a bish!" It's on the window.

   I crawl back to the window, and get up. Grabbing my pillow, I tiredly hit the alarm with it. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up." I continued. 

   And guess what? It didn't shut up. I guess we'll have to do this the hard way. The hard way being, actually pressing the 'Shut up' button.

   I hit the button and finally, it shut up. "Alleluia!" I cheered. I think I'm going to miss that so- Who am I kidding I already fell like dying and I didn't even start school.

   I groaned at the reminder. School. That big building at which they call 'education', but is actually 'I'm gonna send you to hell, with devil people, and even worst food, with even worst people'. I'm so good at describing things...

   I took the sheets out of my body and lay them on the bed. I start to un-braid my brown hair and stand in front of the mirror to only notice my mouth is full of dried droll. "Ew." 

   I quickly washed my face and sighted. I started the shower and put the water just a little warmer than usual. I start to undress my pajama and get in the shower.

   After taking a shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and ran to my closet as I felt the freezing air in my skin.

   I opened the closet and started to look for a white shirt. When I finally found it, I smiled and faked a squeal as all the bitches from movies do it. I then looked for my black skinny jeans and took then out the drawer. After taking underwear, I got back to my room to get dressed.

   Once I was completely dressed, I stood in front of the mirror. I was wearing a white loose -but not to loose- T-shirt with a light grey scarf and a denim jacket.

   "I look gooooood..." I whispered. I let my hair down as it ran in my shoulders.

   Putting a little bit of light eyeshadow and mascara to highlight my green eyes (ironic right?) and a nude pink lipstick just so that my lips wouldn't completely pass unknown. 

   But something that needs to pass unknown? Me. Last school I was in, I had an abusive boyfriend named Taylor. I used to live in New York, until he started to get out of control. He once even tried to kill me! Which, actually he managed to do. He stabbed me multiple times in the stomach but luckily I had already called an ambulance so it came right on time.

   He was never caught but I knew I had to get away, so I moved to California. In the rest of my high school years, the closer I have to be to a relationship is like 2 friends. Not best friend! Just friends. So that I'm an not always alone.

   No one can know about my ex, if the news spread, he can find me, and kill me! And I will not put the life of my friends also in danger. No boyfriends, no best friends, nothing.

   I ran down the stairs to the kitchen and opened the fridge removing the milk and a bowl, a spoon and my foot loops. I made myself some cereal and started to eat them.

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