I write back. "Oh. Him. He looks nice."

Julee takes the note and writes back, and hands it to me again. "He's okay. He's gay, but really really cool. I hate how the kids here are so homophobic though."

"I know. But I'm happy we're seniors. No more of this in a few months!"

"You know it!"

I giggle and fold the paper and stuff it into my pocket. I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Alex trying to get my attention. I mouth 'what' and watch her pull a paper out of her jacket pocket and thrust it at me.

I open it up and see her handwriting. "What really happened over the break?"

I shake my head and hand her the paper back. Julee will tell her later, hopefully. I don't feel comfortable talking about it without Julee's consent. Alex shakes her head and shrugs to Holly. The bell suddenly rings about 20 minutes later when I'm almost asleep, and Julee and I head to our music class.

I grab my black Fender bass and watch Julee as she gets her red electric Fender out of her case next to me. She slings the strap around her head and pulls out a purple pick from her pocket. She plucks the strings and adjusts the pegs, tuning in silence and by ear.

I decide to do the same. I pull out a black pick and tune my electric bass. We walk over to our chairs in the front and start strumming a few different songs. Julee had written a lead guitar part for a unknown song. She said that if it had a name, it would be named Vampire Will Never Hurt You.

Basically, all this class is is just the teacher observing us work on our own projects with our instruments. There are various instruments in here. Guitars, Basses, Violins, Flutes, Clarinets, Drums, Bongos, and much more. When Julee and I need to listen to our own things, we grab headphones and plug them into our amps and drown everyone else out.

Julee right away gets her headphones out and plugs her guitar into a amp and plugs in her headphones. She strums away on her guitar, doing an unknown solo. She smiles as she gets every note in her perfect little head as right as she imagined. Our teacher, Mr. Mikhail comes up and smiles and nods. He gestures to Julee for her headphones so he can listen, and she obeys.

She plays the riff over and watches her fingers intently. Mr. Mikhail nods in approval. When she's done with a middle finger on the 12th fret on her A string, she looks at Mr. Mikhail for his criticism. Not bad, but good criticism.

He takes off the headphones and holds a hand up for Julee. Julee slaps his hand in a high-five and looks at me and smiles. I give her a thumbs up and push up my glasses. Agh, I need new glasses. These are so round and huge. Someone needs to use these in a movie.

At the end of the day, I watch Frank skip over to Alex. She beams at him and wraps her hand around his. They're so cute. Oh fuck, I need to stop hanging out with girls. Look at what I'm saying. I said a couple is cute.

Fuck me.

Now I'm turning into Julee. Eh, that's okay. She's my girl. So, I have the right to turn into her.

Anyway, Frank and Alex. They've been getting a lot closer lately. I think they'll be together for a looooong time. I hope Julee and I will be together long. No, I know we will. I love her. I'll never do anything to hurt her. Not ever. That last time, I fucked up. Joey's friend's party...

Joey. I heard that she moved. We miss her a lot. But she hasn't contacted any of us though. Not even Julee. Maeve moved home, too. She contacts us though. I wonder what actually happened to Joey, though...

Anyway, Julee and I are on our way home. Home, home. I wonder what Hannah and Gerard did all day. Hannah's graduated, and Gerard is trying to enroll in college. So he's taking time off from work to stand by the phone and the mailbox.

When we're home, we realize it's Monday. Monday is the other day of the week we have to spend with our families. I give Julee a hug and kiss her soft lips for a few seconds. Her lips melt into mine, and finally pull away. God, every time I kiss her, I get butterflies. I hope she feels the same way after all these months.

We walk our separate ways and into our separate houses. I throw my backpack on the floor and spot Gerard sitting on the couch with the phone on the table. He looks up and gives me a wave. I wave back and leave him to his waiting.

I head upstairs and look around my room. Fuck, what am I gonna do? I run back downstairs and spy mom making burgers in the kitchen I walk over to her and watch her fix them up. She glances up at me and smiles. "Hello Mikey dear. Burger?"

I nod and hold my hand out for her to place the plate for me. I take it and grab a Coke from the refrigerator and sit at the table. I dive into the burger and moan from the meaty goodness. I can't see how Julee can be a vegetarian. That's not even possible for me.

I finish the burger and my soda and grab my backpack to do homework. I quickly write the 1 page essay on Music Appriation Mr. Mikhail made us do. So easy. I finish it in 35 minutes and stuff it back into my backpack. Then I pull out my green spiral with the word "Songs" written in Julee's handwriting on the front. I flip it open and turn to a page filled with tabs. It's my Bass version of Vampires Will Never Hurt You. I add a couple fingerings and get stumped. I'll have Julee help me tomorrow in class. For now, I stuff it back into my bag and drum my fingers across the table.

It's so boring without Julee. Oh well, I'll live.

She just completes me, though.

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