Falling From Cloud Nine (Third Book in The TNB Series)

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It is here, my friends. The next book in the TNB Series! This is one is going to be awesome and I know it will be. With drama and songs and my strange sense of humour, it's gonna be amazing! I hope you guys think so too.
Also, since Dani doesn't technically have a last name yet, I'll just make up one for her; Henderson. Dani Henderson. Danielle Henderson. It could work

For Ryley Berry, the summer was basically split into thirds; the first third was full of fun with her friends from Glee Club and with her boyfriend, Ryder Lynn.
During the first third, the entire New Directions from 2015 went bowling.
"Let's do girls vs boys. I think we can beat those boys." Natalie Goodman says to the other girls.
"Agreed." Abbi Sanders says.
"Boys," Ryley starts, turning to the boys who stood on the other side of the lane area, "We challenge you to a bowling competition. Girls versus boys."
"What's the prize?" Jake Puckerman asks.
"Which ever gender loses, has to buy pizzas for the gender who wins." Marley Rose says.
"I think that's a good idea." Kitty Wilde says.
"Looks like you girls better get your wallets ready though cause we are gonna smash you." Blake Goodman says. He fist bumps Ryder, Gabe Hanratty and Benny Summers. Ellliot Moore and Troye Miller just act all tough.
Hailey Scott and Angie McGraw try to intimidate the boys by puffing their chests out but they just look like they have big boobs.
"Let the competition begin." Ryley says.
The boys spoke too soon; in the end, they lost. To be exact, the girls smashed them. They were continuously saying that they let the girls win but they didn't. They just sucked. A lot.
The girls decided to make the guys pay a lot so they all got reasonably big pizzas each.
"How can girls so skinny and small eat large pizzas? Where does it all go?" Gabe asks.
"It's magic." Angie says, shrugging as she eats a slice of her cheesy pizza.
The boys just eat their smaller pizzas and talk about video games, football and other stereotypical guy stuff.


The second third of summer vacation was in New York. Ryley went to stay with Rachel Hudson (nee Berry), Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson and Santana Lopez in their apartment. She shared Rachel's bed since Kurt and Blaine shared one bed and Dani Henderson - who recently dyed her hair blue and black - was often over and stayed in Santana's room.
Ryley spent most days in either the apartment, shopping around New York with Rachel (and others if they were able to) and hanging at the Spotlight Diner.
Once or twice, Ryley was pushed on stage to sing a song at the piano (which she had been recently learning to play).
The day of the first was when Ryley sat in a booth on the side walls of the Spotlight Diner. She had a large chocolate milkshake with her and a plate of fries. She had a book out and was reading it.
"Ryley, Ryley, Ryley, Ryley..." A voice says, rushing up to her and continuously repeating her name.
"Yes, Rachel?" Ryley asks, looking up from her book to see her sister rushing towards her in the red Spotlight Diner uniform.
"Gunther wants me to get someone to perform a song at the piano and I told him about you and he agreed." Rachel says with a smile.
"Why me?" Ryley asks, closing her book up.
"Because Kurt, Dani and Santana are all working and Blaine is off at his part time job." Rachel says.
"So I'm your last choice?" Ryley asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Not exactly. You're just the one who is currently waiting for me to finish my shift and you're not doing anything important." Rachel says.
"What if me drinking a milkshake, eating fries and reading my book called Under The Dome is important?" Ryley asks.
"Just go up there and sing or I'll end you." Rachel says with a joking tone.
"Okay. I don't want to be ended just yet. I'm only 17." Ryley says, laughing a little. She goes up onto the little stage of the diner. She sat at the piano and took a deep breath, scanning her brain for a song she could sing that would work well with the piano.
"Hey everyone," Ryley says into the microphone attached to the piano to the scattered group of people in the diner, "I'm Ryley Berry and I've been dragged and threatened by here by my sister, Rachel. Today, I'm going to sing one of my favourite Katy Perry songs of all time. I hope you enjoy."
Ryley begins to play the piano and sing.

He put it on me, I put it on,
Like there was nothing wrong.
It didn't fit,
It wasn't right.
Wasn't just the size.
They say you know,
When you know.
I don't know.

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