School of Corpses Part 1

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"Huh? Where am I? A classroom? But it's not one I've seen before. My student ID..."

Sadie reached for her ID and found a small piece of paper attached to it. She stared at it, trying to remember what it was. She knew it was something important... but what? At that moment, it clicked.

"Right... At that time we..."


It was on a rainy day after school, just like this one. A female teacher lost her footing, fell down the stairs and died. The Principal treated the school as if it was his child but... The misfortune continued... On a certain day after the incident, the Principal decided that the school would be closed down. But since then, the Principal's heart broke so much that... on the day the school was do to close, he climbed to the school's rooftop and committed suicide. Where we're at now, Hyrule Academy, is where the cursed Angelic Host Elementary once stood. The teacher that fell down the stairs still hasn't the slightest idea that she died on that day. They say that on rainy days after school, like now, she still roams through these dark hallways. Yes... right around this time. *Gasp*

"Are you ok, Cooper?" Madelyn teased.

"H.. hey. Isn't it about time to head back home?" Cooper asked.

"Sadie, finish the story, please." Madelyn said.

"Alice, you get scared easily too. Is it ok for you to keep listening?" Evan inquired.

"Just continue your story!" Anna and Hailey said in unison.

"Anyways, let's continue with the story." Sadie interrupted.

Whenever the teacher appears, she is always accompanied by a sudden blackout. Then, you will hear a knock from the classroom door. As the door slowly opens, a pale white face peeks in and says: 'Is anyone still here?'

*Knock knock*

Everyone gasps simultaneously.

"You guys heard a knock too, right?" Madelyn whispered.

As they looked at the door, the only source of light they had, a small candle, went out. Madelyn starts to panic.

"Sadie, stop messing with us!" Cooper exclaims.

"It's not me!" Sadie whimpered. Geez! It's so dark that I can't even tell where the candle is! Where's the light switch?" she continued.

"The switch is next to the door, right?" Evan answered.

Just then, the door cracked open. A hand grabs hold of the door and someone says:

"Is anyone still here?"

Panicked, Madelyn begins to tear up. The lights then turn on.

"Ms. Kramer!" Sadie said.

"Did I surprise you?" Ms. Kramer giggled.

Cooper sighed in relief.

"Cooper..." Cole said.

In all the panic, Cooper didn't realized that he was so scared that latched onto Cole due to his fear.

"Oops. My fault." Cooper apologised as he let go and moved away from Cole.

"How long are you going to stay here?" Ms. Kramer asked. "I told everyone to clean up and leave after the parade, right?" she continued.

"Big brother!" Jade yelled as she ran into the classroom.

"Hey, Jade." Cooper responded."Why are you here?"

"She said she gave to give you an umbrella." Ms. Kramer said.

Jade offered the umbrella to Cooper.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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