New Beginnings

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I'm sorry it took so long for me to upload the next part. So I'll post it now before I go to school. Enjoy!

The next day:

Tao waited anxiously,  holding on to Boxuan's hand tightly. He didn't understand why she seemed so carefree. Tao was a nervous wreck. He didn't stay in one spot and he kept playing with the keys in his pocket. All that was going through his mind was why Kris wanted him at this fountain in particular. There were a number of other fountains in the city but he decided to tell Tao to come to this one. At the least, Tao had made sure no one saw him and he told no one where he was going, not even Boxuan. Tao thought he did a good job of keeping this a secret since no one was at the fountain besides them.

Until Tao hears Boxuan talking and laughing to someone that wasn't him. He didn't even realize that he let go of Boxuan in the first place. In a panic, Tao looks around and spots Boxuan. However, there is a man kneeled in front of her, his back facing Tao. Tao runs to the man and in thinking this man was going to kidnap or hurt Boxuan, he kicks the man hard where his ribs were. The man fell to the pavement, grunting in pain and holding his side. Tao kneels in front of a wide-eyed Boxuan and  holds her face in his hands. He moves her head from side to side, making she wasn't hurt.

"Daddy why did you kick that man?"

"You don't know who that is Boxuan. I told you not to talk to strangers. What were you thinking? You could have been taken by him and you wouldn't see me anymore."

"But Boxuan does know who that is, daddy."

"Boxuan, I don't know him therefore you don't either. How could you possibly know that man?"

"Daddy tells Boxuan about him every night. Boxuan knows a lot about him."

"Boxuan what are you talking about?"

"She's talking about the bedtime stories you idiot." Tao freezes when he hears the voice. He looks beside him to see the face that he fell in love with looking up at him. Tao can't help but stare at him. He was still as handsome as he remembered him, if not even more handsome than before. Tao's chest hurts. His heart is trying to pound out of him and kill him right then and there because it feels like this is heaven for Tao. He's finally face to face once again with Kris.

"The man is really handsome, daddy. Boxuan knows knows why you love him so much."

"Well isn't that a girl who has good taste. Stay away from boys for now, Boxuan. You're still too young." Kris slowly got up from the ground as Boxuan giggled, all the while Tao is still gaping at him in awe. "Zitao. You can stop staring you know. You've seen me before it's not like this is the first time. Well I guess it's the first time in a long time."

"I... um... Yifa... Kri...  oh god." Tao can't seem to formulate a sentence at all. His heart's still pounding and his mind can't think of anything but Kris and how beautiful he is at the moment. Tao starts to shake and hyperventilate, which Kris notices right away.

"Hey. Hey Zitao calm down." Kris kneels beside him and forces Tao to face him. He takes Tao's head in his hands and looks at him directly in the eyes. "Look, follow my breathing, okay? Calm down. Breathe. Slowly. In and out, okay? I can't have you passing out on me now. You're fine. You're okay." Tao stares into Kris's eyes and starts to follow his breathing. Eventually, Tao stops shaking and his breathing is normal once again. "See? You're okay. Everything is fine. I'm not going to hurt you or Boxuan."

"It's not that. I just... I haven't seen you in so long. I just immediately thought you wouldn't want me to be around you at all."

"Now why would that make sense? I told you to come here. Obviously I want you to be around me."

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