I Will Follow You InTo The Dark (Sequel to LLBR)

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Hey here's the sequel you guys wanted ^-^ hope you like it and if you like this story you would love Art Of Dying by @JoannaJones11


All the captives have been rescued, all the ones that were alive. We lost of few due to the strogi being hungry. Six guardians including Kellin had Been lost. Had the lives of the guardians been worth it?

"You can't look at it that way" Justin told me as we walked towards the clinic.

Sally and dega had been hadn't woke up yet do to the lack of blood and food.

"You didn't just save Sally and Dega, you killed almost 30 strogi plus the ones that attacked the school"

A rational part of me knew he was right,but what did rationallity have to do with anything when kellin might have died? It was selfish but at that moment I wanted to trade all those lives for his. He wouldn't agree to that though.

And through the tiniest,smallest chance,it was possible that he wasn't dead. That strogi could've incapacitated him and fled. Kellin could be lying in the cave right now, dying and in need of medical care. I haven't seen anyone only because I'd just rather be alone. The only person I did see was Vic only because we had class together. I've been going to our school chapel spending my days hiding and praying. I would always go to an empty area in the very back corner. Drawing my knees up to me, I wrapped my arms around them and rested my head.

Kellin couldn't be dead... There was no way he could be.

I didn't realize I had fallen asleep til Vic woke me up. His eyes so gentle as if they were of a saints.

"Emily, we've been looking all over for you, have you been here the entire time?" He said.

"Pretty much" I told him

He shook his head "That was hours ago, you should go eat something"

"I'm not hungry" I clutched his arm. "What time is it? has the sun come up?"

"No its still about 5 hours away"

Vic touched my face, I felt magic burned through our spirit bond and the warm and cold tingly sensation coursed through my skin. Bruises and cuts disappeared.

"You shouldnt do that" I said

A faint smile crossed his lips.

"I've been doing it all day. I've been helping Dr.Olendzk."

We always kept our new ability hidden so far only Vic knows how to heal people. Kellin and I were just barely getting the hang of it.

"It doesn't matter if everyone knows now." Vic said with a shrug. "After everything.... I had to help. so many people are hurt, and if it means our secret getting out .... it had to happen sooner or later. Everyone else is helping to in any way they can."

And then it hit me.

"OH MY GOD!!!! Vic you can save him you can save Kellin you can help him"

Deep sorrow filled his face.

"Emily,they say kellin is dead..." He said quietly.


Hey everyone after such a LONG time I finally updated this is just part one of chapter one so give me some views comments or whatever for the next part. Trust me it just get better and better. Hope you all had a great Xmas ^-^

I Will Follow You InTo The Dark (Sequel to LLBR)Where stories live. Discover now