Chapter Fourteen: Crumbled

Start from the beginning

I frown, nodding.

"They'd threaten everything from us, Selena. We're under contract with them for a reason, it isn't just about our music." I look at him confusingly. What is he getting at? What could they threaten? He speaks again, "They'll threaten our job. Our career. They can easily say if we don't follow what they say and stop being around each other, they can have our jobs with a snap of their fingers."

My chest sinks. What? "What? You can't be serious."

"Believe me, it's true," He bitterly chuckles. "I hate it, but we can't...we can't just risk our careers over this. No matter how much I want to fight against their bullshit, we can't. We'd be mad to even try again." I see the hurt in his eyes as he talks about this, but for some reason, it seems like he's used to this. Like something like this has happened to him before, like it isn't new to him.

I feel my chin tremble, all his words settling in my brain. His eyes soften. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest, planting a soft kiss upon the top of my head. I shake my head and push away from him. "No. No. We can do something about this, we can call my mom and she can do something about it. She can sign us into another Management-"

"We can't do that," He cuts me off. "Your mum couldn't do anything and we don't have nearly enough money to break the contract with Modest! ourselves."

I bite my cheek, the little ounce of hope I had left being ripped from me. "Harry...I-"

"I wish we could do something, believe me, I do. Letting go of you is the last thing I want to do but it's just better to do it now," He stings me with his words.

"How is this better?" I shout.

"Because the longer we hold on to this, this thing we have, the more it's going to hurt when we really have to let it go."

All I can do is shake my head in denial, even though I knew he was right. I'm so angry, hurt and overwhelmed—that I can't think of anything else to do or say. He picks up his shirt from the ground and slips it on, grabbing his boots in his hands as he headed towards the door.

"What-" I follow him, "Harry!"

A breeze hits me as soon as we reach downstairs, and I realize one of my windows in the living room were cracked open. I ignore it and continue following him. I shout his name once more and he turns around. His eyes are glossy, mirroring mine.

"I'm sorry, Sel." He turns away again.

"Don't-" Before I could get the sentence out, he's already out the door. I don't bother chasing him, not wanting to cause any scene for the paparazzi to feed on.

I groan in frustration, furiously wiping the tears from my cheeks. Of course this had to happen. When I was finally happy again, this had to happen. When I finally find someone who makes me happy and feel the kind of feelings that I never knew I even needed, it all crumbles to pieces—at my fucking feet.

I clench my jaw and run upstairs, snatching my phone from it's charger. I wipe more tears from my face quickly as I scroll through my contacts before finally reaching the M section. I puff out a shaky breath before clicking on the contact that reads: Management.

I pace back and forth with my fist clenching the small device in my hand so hard that I think it could break, waiting for an answer. When it does, I hear a feminine voice speak.

"Modest! Management, how can we help you?"

"This is Selena Gomez, I was wondering if I could speak with one of the people I had a meeting with recently?"

"Um-sure, let me just look at your recent meetings. Do you know their names?"

"I...I don't know," I breathe out. "They had recently switched up who I have my meetings with so-"

"Oh! No worries, I got it." The lady tells me. "You will be speaking to Joel."

The name clicks in my head and I mumble a reply before she connects me with him, hearing a familiar voice answer after a few seconds. All the anger just builds up more, burning in the pit of my stomach. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this, but right now, I do not care.

"Miss Gomez?"

"Is this one of the men I had a recent meeting with? With Harry?" I immediately ask.

"Um, yes-"

"How do you live with yourself?" I say with pure disgust, hearing the line go silent for a few moments. "How do you all live with yourselves?"

"Excuse me, m'am?" He says with a stern voice, obviously growing the same anger that I have.

"You all can go fuck yourselves." I say lastly before hanging up, throwing the device against my bed. I shouldn't have done that. Mom and Aleen are going to kill me. Hell, Management is going to kill me. Maybe I shouldn't have done that, but I don't regret it one bit.

Suddenly I feel all my anger build up so high, that a sob escapes me. I cover my face with my hands. There I stood, watching all my happiness crumble down to my feet.

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