12 | Real Talk

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"Marry me, Kristen."

"Excuse me?" Kristen scoffs, watching the woman who walked away from her earlier standing there on her doorsteps.

"I'm sorry. I was stupid, but I don't want to lose the best thing that's happened to me." Alicia pleads. "Baby, I'm sorry. I won't leave you again, I promise. I want to be a part of the baby's life, your life."

"And you think marriage is the solution? What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing! But I want the baby to have a family. Just give me a chance, Kristen. I love you, and I will do anything for you. Anything."

"If you just walked out of my like that-" She snapped her fingers to prove a point. "-how the fuck can I be sure that you won't leave again when times get hard? Because this isn't going to be easy, okay? So I'm giving you a chance to walk away right now." She was seething mad, her jaws clenched as she gritted out the words.

"Kristen please, don't do this."

"You did this first. You walked away the second it got hard. It's not going to get any easier over time, okay? So if you can't deal with this shit, it's best if you'd just go."

Alicia was left in stunned silence. "I want to stay, Kris. Please, just let me stay." Her eyes begged Kristen to let her back in, because she wanted to be a part of her life, her baby's life, and she would do anything to get her back again.

"Al, look. Just think about it. Get a good night's sleep. If you still want to work things out, then let's talk in the morning." Kristen placed a hand on Alicia's shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. "I don't think you'd want to talk to a cranky, hormonal pregnant woman right now." With a small smile, she said goodbye to Alicia and closed the door behind her.


"Unbelievable. You two got back together?" Suzie asked, a frown of disapproval on her face as Kristen told her the events of this morning. "Kristen, you don't have to do this." Suzie dropped by to see how Kristen was doing after the hurricane of events that happened to her in the past week armed with takeaway from her favorite restaurant.

Kristen sighed, putting down her dinner on the coffee table. "Suze, everyone deserves a second chance. Look at me and Rob. We wouldn't be friends now if we didn't give it a shot." Suzie let out a snort.

"Psssh. You also wouldn't be knocked up with his baby. Kristen, this is crazy! Why couldn't you and Robert just get back together?"

Kristen gave her a mean look. "Because he's not in love with me, and I'm not in love with him. Sure, at one point in time we were in love with each other, but that's not the case now. Stop trying to make the two of us happen again. It won't happen. Trust me."

"Really? And why not?" Suzie challenged.

"For one, we're both in a relationship. He's happy, I'm happy. Our time has come and gone. We're not going to drop what we have just because of the baby. The baby's gonna be fine. It will just have two different sets of parents, you know?" She rubbed her stomach, noticing that her normally flat belly was protruding ever so slightly.

"C'mon. You're gonna let such a simple thing as timing get in the way?"

"There's also the matter of, I don't know, trust and monogamy and fidelity. What? The reason we broke up was because of infidelity. You really think that's the best way to get us back together? Yeah right."

"This is everything you two have ever wanted, Kris. You know? Moving to the suburbs, getting a white picket fence, having a baby, all that shit. That's what you and Robert always dreamed about."

"We're gonna get all those things! Just not with each other. Can't we just drop this already?"

"Fine. But Kristen, are you really sure that being with Alicia's something you really want to be in right now? Sure, you two had a great time, but think of the baby. Think what it would mean if she left you again. Don't hold on to her just because you want to be with someone and you're afraid to be alone, okay?"

Damn it. Kristen hated it when Suzie was right.

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E! News Exclusive! : Kristen Stewart Delays Movie Production.

Sad news for fans, but you might just have to wait a little bit longer for the newest Kristen Stewart movie to come out. Turns out, the production has been moved to a later date, citing unforeseen circumstances as the cause of delay. Sources say it's lead actress Stewart who is the cause of delay, requesting to shoot her scenes at a later time due to an illness.

When asked, representative Ruth Bernstein released a statement: "Kristen is doing fine, she's healthy and happy. . She apologizes for any trouble she may have caused, but rest assured the movie will come out soon and Kristen will be there for the production."

We hope you get well soon, Kristen!

Got any ideas? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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A/N All right, y'all can come fight me, but this chapter needed to happen.

Don't you just love it when Suzie imparts some of her wisdom? ;)

And if you're asking, no. Kristen did not accept Alicia's proposal. But she did forgive her and they got back together. But you all read what Suzie said, so keep your hopes up, folks. The story ain't over yet. ;)

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