All men are not created equally

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Growing up today society teaches people that everyone is equal. That everyone is the same and should be treated the same. Now in theory that is correct, on the inside we are similar, we all have blood that flows through us, air that travels through our lunges, basic things that make us believe that we are all equal. But we are not equal. We are not the same. And the quote "All men are created equal" is completely wrong. It's not that some people are better than others, though that in a way the case. It's that people are not the same and shouldn't be treated as though they are. Who one is, what one stands for, what one believes in, who one will become, is unique for every individual. The choices one makes makes things unequal but mostly the things that divide people and make them different start way before they are even born. When someone is born, wether it be in poverty or wether it is in a case of extreme wealth, they already have a basis for how their life is going to be. Sure, people in poverty can work their way out of it and people who are rich can lose it but that is rarely the case. So tell me, is it equal that some people have it easy on life and others don't? Is it equal that some parents can provide a great home while others beat their children? It's easy to preach that everyone is equal but it's just a lie. Everything from education, home environment, jobs, parents make this world and unequal place. The way you look especially makes things unequal. The way you look, just like a lot of other things, are way beyond ones control but yet it still plays a major part in how they are treated. We like to believe that racism isn't such a big thing anymore but wether or not one admits it to them self, skin color plays a part in how you perceive someone. In how you act around them. Same goes for looks in general, stereotypes about hair color linger in the back of people's minds. And generally if someone is attractive, they have it easier, it's just the way life is. Probably the most unequal thing is the way people thing. No one thinks exactly alike because no one is exactly alike. Everyone has different values. Every day people make decisions that could affect them for the rest of their lives. Mental disorders make it so that some people have a harder time than others. Stupid irrational thinking a make it so that people make poor choices, have addictions, end up in jail, a whole list of negative things. And while we grow with all decisions it's not always in the right direction. Environment of courtly plays a big role. If one is surrounded by negative people, they pick up on this behavior. Many of the things that make us unequal are out of ones control. But it doesn't mean that it doesn't affect them. We should not be treated as equals because we are not equal.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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