Pembrook sighed, looking a little angry. "Using my creations for genocide.. I wish I had the ability to stop them.. to stop you all.. but.. I am but an old man.. all I can do is build.. very well.. but I pray that this new life I make might have a better life in her future than this.."

Pembrook put the hair in a scanner, and the machine began to hum.. "This is going to be the first for the new Valerie model I've been wanting to build..  Valerie Unit 0001.. ahh.. I remember when my daughter allowed me to use her DNA for making the Bella model.. but.. of course.. she died of brain cancer before she could see the results.."

Hammor looked at Pembrook, but remained silent. Meanwhile, at a transparent wall nearby, a pair of robotic arms and tools could be seen, building the new android.. it was incredible to watch.. as first the exoskeleton emerged.. 

 Android building of the 23rd century was complicated, but simple. First the DNA sample of a subject was scanned. Then, using the DNA as a template, synthetic DNA was created using nanobots to construct synthetic cells. Then a frame was constructed, and so on.. It was like making a robot clone of your subject. Though the process wasn't perfect... so it was never exactly the same. 30 percent clones.. like Scalaknight, had 30 percent of his synthetic DNA being a tissue scan of Draz.. And usually, it was only ever 40 percent of the original host's DNA that was ever used to make Human Androids.. however.. this time.. it was different..

"My first 70 percent android.. Valerie.." whispered Pembrook. "When she is done.. she will have some or perhaps many of the Super Human we scanned this from's abilities.."

"If that's the case.." said Hammor. "She should be among the most powerful of the Elites of the Iron Forge doctor.."

"Finished." a computerized voice said.. as steam filled the transparent wall, and a bed slid out of the wall with the unconscious android lying on it..

"MY WORD!!" stammered Pembrook. "Th-this is.. SHOCK THERAPY!? You fancied HER Senes?"

Senes blushed. "W-well.. she's pretty.."

The naked android, that looked exactly like Narina, opened her glowing violet eyes, and sat up. She looked around, confused. "Am I... alive..?"

"Yes.. Valerie.." said Pembrook.. "Can you look at me?"

Valerie looked over at Pembrook, the only way to tell she wasn't Narina, apparent by the fact her irises were glowing.

"Your vision lights are overdoing it." said Pembrook, you'll be disoriented if you do that too long. Please dim your eyes."

Valerie's irises reduced to a very faint glow.

"Good.." said Pembrook. "She responds well to communication.."

"Very good indeed.." said Hammor. "The King will send over the usual payment for her.. "

"I... I feel.. weak.." Valerie muttered. 

"Ah.. her power core hasn't been installed yet.. if you would Valerie, touch just under your chest.. around under your breasts should do.." said Pembrook.

Valerie did as Pembrook said, and a hole appeared, glowing.. Pembrook fit a cylinder-like device into the hole.. and immediately Valerie perked up and got to her feet.

Valerie suddenly blushed and covered her chest. "Er.. I'm.. "

Senes, and Pembrook looked at each other with amazement.

"Sh-she's already developing the capacity for shame!?" said Senes. "Father.. that has to be some sort of record!"

"Indeed." Pembrook muttered. "I had to stop the first Bella unit from running in the streets naked multiple times before she suddenly wanted clothes.. Nari- I mean Valerie.. you are a combat unit.. if you enter your fighting form.. you should develop some nice clothes.."

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