Unexpected Results~Completed

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Hi :) this is just a short story I came up with and I just had to post it on here. I hope you like it. Votes and comments are always welcome <3


Boom-boom. Boom-boom. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest, causing my nerves to spiral out of control.

"C'mon Becca. You can do this. It's just like in practice. Breathe in and out," I told myself.

While I was trying to calm myself down, I placed my hands on the track and positioned my feet on top of the starting block. My head was parallel to the ground. This helped me focus on the task ahead.

I can't lose this race. They're all watching me. I didn't dare to look up at the crowd, in fear that my heart rate would quickly increase within milliseconds.

By this time the man with the gun was ready to pull the trigger, which would signal all of us runners to start for the finish line. On your mark!- Keep your eyes on the prize- Get set!- I could feel my adrenaline start to kick in- Go! BAM! As soon as that gun was fired, I was running for my life. I only had 200 m to win this race, to make myself proud. Left, right. Left, right. The rhythm of my feet pounding on the track helped distract me from reality, but only for a short time. At the half way mark my older sister, Isabelle, was cheering for me. I smiled. What would I do without her?

"Go Becca! You're halfway there! Keep up the pace and kick some ass!" Those words fueled up my energy level, putting me in second place, right behind Mya Winkler- AKA one of the best high school track runners in the state of California. You're gonna beat her this time, I thought to myself.

At the 150 m mark, it was neck and neck. I looked over at Mya and saw her eyes bulge out in panic. What the hell?

"Aaah! Oh my god!" Mya screamed. I stopped and looked back. She was sitting on the track, holding her right ankle in pain. Her face said it all. Mya had injured herself.

Right at that moment, I knew what to do. I ran back towards Mya. She looked up and frowned. "What are you doing, Becca?"

I shook my head, as if to say 'just trust me.' Then I pulled her up, bringing her right arm around my neck.

"C'mon, we've got a race to finish," I stated.

"You don't have to do this." She looked tired and completely humiliated.

"Yes, I do." I smiled and we made our way to the finish line, slowly but surely. The crowd was roaring with cheers of encouragement, a sound I've learned to love.

As soon as we crossed the finish line, Blake, the hottest guy at OakWood High, took Mya and helped her sit down. I walked towards our team bench, but before I could reach it, Blake was yelling my name.

"Becca, wait!"

I turned around, confused. "Yeah?" Even though Blake was really hot, all I wanted was to sit down.

"Thanks. Mya is my little sister. We both appreciate what you just did." He took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead sweetly.

I blushed. "Oh.. You're welcome. It was the right thing to do."

Blake smiled. "You're right. I'll see you around. I have to get back to the drama queen," he said while pointing behind himself in Mya's direction.

I giggled. "See ya!"

Blake jogged in the other direction. I sighed in content. Even though I hadn't won the race, that was okay. Blake Winkler, the HOTTEST guy to ever walk on this earth had kissed me. Besides, doing the right thing is more important than winning an ordinary race. Because, in the end, we're all just trying to survive.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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