Young Justice : The Joke Is On You (12)

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“What’s it supposed to be?” questions Superboy

“Maybe another sphere?” Wally considers

“A sphere that size?!”  Robin announces spreading his hands wide to try and estimate its size.

“Well, whatever it is its bad news.” Artemis proving a point.

“Let us not jump to conclusions. We shall see what red arrow has to say about this situation.” Aqualad suggests

“Joker has planted a bomb here near the lab, chances are it’ll be lace with Joker Venom, and he’s not in it alone.” Red Arrow laying the shocking scheme.

‘So that’s what we saw in the container’ Aliza assumes, listening intently on their discussion

“That was a bomb we saw behind the lab??” Wally asks.

Aliza in the shadows near them unnoticed

 “You found it?” Red arrow slightly surprised at the possibility that it has already been found.

‘Yea it’s ‘a’ wide and ‘a’ high, no. it’s freakin’ gigantic!’ the cloaked girl thought silently but it seems abit strange.

“We have to disarm it. Now.” He says, turning the situation from idle to high-alert.


The group head back towards the bomb but to find it gone, vanished like thin air.

Red Arrow returns back to keep watch over perimeter.

“It was here.” Says Kid Flash astonished like the rest of them.

Heads turn to see where the magic explosive ball went, knowing it could explode at any moment.

“We should look at the lab for anything that may help us” Aqualad making his way towards the 5 storey building as the team follow.

Cantell stays behind a few minutes, afraid to be seen by anyone, she waits awhile before heading in after them. But was stopped in her tracks as Joker and his goons came rolling in towards the building, henchmen first.

‘What was she suppose to do?’ was something that ran through her mind as she abandons her cloak.

As soon as Joker disappears behind glass doors, Cantell scurries after them. Near the entrance of the laboratory there are two guards taking their post. Cantell stuck in thought again, she had to be there before Joker confronts them, and time was ticking or she’d be heading for a good telling from bats.

“The air vent!” second thoughts flowing in making her wanting to cower away at how ridiculous this was going to be… but she had to do it one way or another.

The sun had just about set it was hot and stuffy, being the vents made from metal it still conducted an amount of heat.

“How do people get around in here? I'm just glad I’m not claustrophobic,” Cantell quietly whispers to herself lowering her head avoiding the low dip above her and turns right until she reached a barred vent hatch.

Peering down below Joker stood conversing with his associates and she sees a city guard lying limp.
“It’s time boys, to let Bats and Gotham go off with a big bang,” hoots Joker “and the Joke will be on them, the roof top is the perfect place to see what our little toy can do.”

Cantell gasps “the roof-top!” she scampers, hitting some loosened metal making it go off with a minor battered sound. But it was enough to snatch the green-head fool’s attention, she cringes waiting for him to continue walking.

Young justice : You're Not Paranoid ( discontinued.")Where stories live. Discover now