Kill All Your Friends • Tag

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" I was killing before killing was cool"


So, yeah I got tagged by DisnerdFangirl to do this tag!

By the way if you get that reference up there, I shall hug you.

So, here are the rules I'm supposed to follow!

Ugh, I have to list yet again MORE facts about myself

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Ugh, I have to list yet again MORE facts about myself.

> My favorite song is Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance, and so far I will still break down and cry when I listen to it. <

> I love watching movies. The latest one I watched was Sully, and even though it was serious, I really liked it. <

> I love to sketch, but meh, my skills are meh. <

> I am currently working on drawing Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance along with a The Black Parade fanart. <

> I love zombies. (ZOMBIEEEHH) <

> My queen inspiration is Ellie Goulding because SHE SLAY. <

> I love to read! I don't have a lot of time nowadays, but I always try to find time! <

> I am still craving for Chicken Quesadilla until now. <

> I usually read, draw and eat in my spare time. <

> I have around 32 songs in my MUST DOWNLOAD list. <

> I have 47 books in my MUST READ list. <

> I am currently listening to S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W by My Chemical Romance and next is Drown by Bring Me The Horizon. <

> My Chemical Romance is my life and soul. <


The questions that she tagged me were:

(i) Favorite season?

I live in a region with two seasons: hot and HOTTER. But I went to a country with four seasons once, and I am in love with winter. If you mean TV Show season, I can tell you that it's Season 3 of Sherlock, Season 3 of Once Upon a Time, Season 1 of iZOMBiE, and well I'm not so sure about the rest.

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