Ghirahim noticed the arrogant attitude of the other and felt his temper flare. He remembered the sky child showing great pride... But this arrogance was something he had not seen. Something close if not similar, but not the same.

Ghirahim pushed off the ground to stand, eyeing the boy cautiously. "Brat. Do you truly believe I pose no threat? Pretty you may be I, Will, not let you get away with belittling me."

Link raised a brow, smirking ever so slightly. (Sure)

The two suddenly heard a crack, the sound coming from the gates of the structure they currently fought in.

Link looked over seeing Tim, the child staring at Ghirahim with fear. Before Link could say or think anything the demon lord was already at the boy's side choking him with an evil grin as he glared at Link with sadistic glee.

Without even thinking, Link ran to him grabbing the arm that choked the youth and dropped his sword. "He is of your people!?" He beseeched.

Ghirahim watched him a moment, looking at the panic within blue eyes. Reaching out his other hand he grasped Link's chin, their eyes meeting finally.

Ghirahim, "tell me then... Are you the Skychild. What is your name?"

Link began to panic further at hearing the boys' breath become more and more gurgled. "Link..." he mumbled as he looked down, feeling defeat.

Ghirahim lifted a brow. "Hm?"

Demises words then echoed within his head, that twisted feeling from before growing once again. "...Fallen hero..."

Ghirahim threw Tim away and grabbed on link making him face him once more. "What was Th-" He stopped, seeing a demonic smirk cross the young hero's face, his narrowed red eyes leading at him.

Link tilted his head slightly. "Yes... Sky child it was." Was the last thing the demon heard right before the boy kicked Ghirahim in the gut with all of his power, making lord fly halfway across the forest.

Tim looked to Link with awe, trapped in that moment, his brain frozen.

Link, "leave..." the silver-headed male said to him as he looked down at the child coldly. His ruby eyes filled with a primitive excitement.

Tim shuffled back uncomfortably just before turning to run away. When Link looked up, Ghirahim was already back, casually walking towards him as he laughed maniacally.

Ghirahim, "well boy... You seem to have somehow... changed." His gaze suddenly darkened, the feeling involved causing Link fight and flight to activate, flight begging to win.

His spine tingled with fear... That same fear he felt the first meeting he ever had with this man.

Ghirahim twisted grin stretched further. "Yes... Now that you are in my realm, I make the rules."

He swung his sword suddenly, catching Link off guard as it ripped his faded out tunic. Link gripped the falling sleeves as he flipped back picking up his previously dropped sword on the way.

But, when he looked back, Ghirahim was gone!?

Ghirahim, "you see boy... In your world of light, I was weakened, greatly... Just like how our world is poison to you. Yours is poisonous to us."

Link groaned in annoyance. "What of it? As you can see I'm perfectly fine."

Ghirahim's laugh echoed all around but he was yet to be seen. "What of it? Well for starters."

Link felt his feet give out beneath him, slammed onto the floor head first. When he tried to rise, pressure was placed against his back, keeping him in place.

Link glared through the corners of his eyes, seeing Ghirahim with one leg propped up on his back as he posed in trump. "I am far stronger than a half turned demon." His smirk then grew. "You shouldn't have given into hate hero. Humans rarely survive on this side, even fewer change."

Ghirahim leaned down near the boys head still keeping his foot propped. "Only by becoming more like a demon spiritual will one fully become one."

Link growled at him, annoyed. "Before I even decide to kill them all I had turned."

Ghirahim smiled. "Yes... But the moment you decide to use the magic of this realm, you sealed your fate... You see, if you had stayed human at heart, you would have been safe from me."

Slowly Ghirahim sat on top of Link's legs, pulling silver hair to force the youth to rise, pressing his blade along the soft of the hero's neck.

Ghirahim, "now... Should I put my leash on you?"

Link glared at him, red eyes full of rage.

Ghirahim flipped the others silvery hair to the side and bowed down near Link's neck. He licked slowly at the junction between shoulder and throat and sighed. "All it takes is one bite. And you become mine."

Red eyes glowed vibrantly, wrath growing from within and filling his entire being for a second time, the power of the world completely engulfing him.

Feeling that same feeling from before, Link summoned all the dark energy he could and forced the lord off of him.

The castles ruble started to rise along with the demonic energy swarming Link, protruding from his body as shadowed energy making even his hair begin to rise once more.

(Like I'd every admit defeat to the likes of you!)

Ghirahim watched the whole show, licking his lips with anticipation and joy. "Still so defiant, even when I am now your king... Just makes me want to dominate you even more sky child... To control you would bring me, great pleasure."

Link's body practically exploded as he teleported to Ghirahim, his sword colliding with the others in defiance. His red eyes glowing with animalistic rage as he pressed onward making the lord almost falter a step back.

As soon as Link prepared to strike a second time, Ghirahim too released his demonic aura, causing the boy to flinch and step back.

Ignoring the sudden and strong fear that rushed over, Link sliced down hard, hitting Ghirahim's sword Again. But, this time, the air boomed making its pressure slice all around, causing the ruins to crumble further.

A yelp was heard from the distance dragging Link to pull back, losing his concentration. (Tim!? Is he still) "ahhhh!"

He felt a piercing pain in the place Ghirahim had licked earlier, the feel of teeth sinking. He could feel the others arm slip down his tattered and torn sleeve, the pressure digging into his throat growing.

Link tried to move, to fight him off, but his body was paralyzed. His eyes grew wide with shock as he felt a weird sensation fill him.

He moved his sword slightly, trying to make an attempt to escape but the man behind him bit down harder shoving him down on his knees.

His breath quickened as his body started to burn, this smothering heat burning him up from inside from the tips of his fingers, to his feet.

A tingling numbness took over his body, making him have to gasp for air, his vision becoming blurred. He could feel the man behind release him, his long fingers grabbing his throat to force him into looking up.

Glazed red meet lustful violet. "Now you are mine."

Then Link passed out.

The Legend Of Zelda: Fallen HeroWhere stories live. Discover now