Feeling a grin rise from his growing excitement, Ghirahim already started to make his way out of the throne room and beyond the many halls. (I do wonder, what may I find.)

~the city~


The boy of silvery hair turned to face who called him, a smile gracing his face towards a bird-like child.

The youth tackled him, full force, loud giggles escaping them as they only caused the older to stumble back a step. Hugging the thin frame of the hero, the child looked up to the older his black eyes filled with joy and that ever-growing curiosity.

Link inclined his head in greeting.

He had yet to tell them he was able to talk, but they did know he could write, so that's how they knew his name. And they also told him theirs.

The son had told him, his name was Tim... But the mother... She said to call her, mother. Mother was definitely not a word he was going to say, he flushed just thinking about it.

"Are you  joining us for dinner today?" A feminine voice asked, and Link nodded again, looking up to meet the very woman he was thinking about, the mother smiling down at him joyfully.

Link walked to her, bowing in another form of greeting as she continued to smile and then, pulled him into a hug. "Welcome back sweetie. Do you want to help me with Dinner? I need a chopper." She requested.

Tim huffed and formed a pout. "I can do that!"

The mother flicked his head. "And will chop off your fingers while you are at it."

Link giggled as he watched the two argue, the debate going on for just a bit before settling down, Tim now the designated peeler.

Dinner was finished in no time. The three settling at the dining room as they ate, enjoying their meal with idle talk... Well, they did all the talking. Link just sat at the sidelines and watched, laughing every now and then when they joked or argued.

When they finished, Link took care of all of the dishes, cleaning them thoroughly before putting them up as thanks.

He was just drying the last plate when movement was heard just outside the front porch. Naturally, he tensed at the sound of two knocks, his red eyes side glancing the woman who cared for him in fear.

She smiled at him with reassurance. "Don't worry. It is probably just a guest." She walked to the door opening it just a crack. "Hello, sir. How may I help you?"

Both Link and Tim leaned against the wall nearby, listening cautiously to the stranger.

"Miss Roswell!" A man started. "It seems that the lord will be coming here himself to hunt down that forest child!"

The lady looked surprised. "But... He only saved us."

The man shook his head. "That monster killed a whole platoon! He needs to be taken care of."

Roswell looked at the man, guilt-ridden "I see... well, thank you for telling me... good day." And she closed the door quietly, turning to see that her son and Link stood just behind of her.

The silver-haired boy looked disheartened, but also, understanding. He said more than enough through his eyes, then he could ever say with words. And it tore Roswell apart.

Tears ripped at the corners of her eyes as she quickly walked near to hug him. "I am so sorry." She sobbed.

Link patted her back, smiling sadly.

After the women released him, he bowed to her and walked towards the door. "Thanks for taking care of me." Was the last thing he exchanged before he left. Shocking both.

Link,  (I didn't want to speak... but it's the least I can do for all they have done for me.)


Link sat on top of some rubble, the pile one of many within the center of the base he had taken not so long ago.

He twirled his sword every now and then, enjoying the sound it gave when using enough pressure and speed. A whoosh each cycle.

"Well, you are not quite what I expected? You are actually quite beautiful, I might want to keep instead of disposing of you."

Link jumped, looking up to see an all too familiar demon standing before him.

(Ghirahim?) He got up quickly, tilting his head with confliction. His red eyes narrowed slightly in question as he saw and confirmed. It was in fact... the Demon Lord he fought. 

Ghirahim seemed to noticed his affliction and leaned sideways on his hip, bemused. "What? Taken back by my fabulous appearance?" He questioned.

Link narrowed his eyes further, but out of annoyance rather than his previous confusion.

The other man licked his lips at the sight, watching him hungrily. "Silent, are you? Mmm~ Not for long."

The man warped behind Link, an old trick the boy already saw it coming. He quickly kicked up from behind in defense and made the man jump back.

Surprise etched itself on the Lord's face. "Well now... you are actually talented, aren't you?"

Link pulled out his sword, readying his stance.

Brown eyes go round with alarm at the familiarity of that pose. (I remember that stance... And his features are so very similar to that green suited boy... But his eyes are red and his hair, silver?)

Ghirahim, "you! Who are you? Why do you resemble that Sky Child!"

Recognition crossed the boys Rubee eyes for only a second before resuming his cold glare.

Ghirahim, "no... You cannot be. Humans die by the poison of our air and plants. None can survive here... Unless."

Link froze upon hearing that. Arms dropping to his sides, he looked to the Lord, full of dismay and fear. 

(I- 'm... I'm in the Demon realm!?)

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