Chapter Thirty - The Battle of the Astronomy Tower

Start from the beginning

Sophia took a step back and pointed her wand at Andromeda. With a deep breathe, she mumbled "please work" to herself, before clearing her throat and shouting "finite incantatem!"

A flash of red light erupted from Sophia's wand and hit Andromeda square in the chest. Instantly her body seemed to writhe as if taking a deep breathe, her lungs that had been constricted allowed to breathe freely.

She was however still in a deep and inpenetrable slumber.

"Why did Malfoy do this to her?" Sophia asked, shaking her head in disbelief. "Probably to keep her out of something" I replied. Turning to Weasley, who had his nose buried in a book, I asked "where was Potter going with Dumbledore?"

Weasley looked up and stared at me, clearly fighting with whether to tell me the truth or not. "They were leaving the school to look for something" he said finally, "Harry didn't say what."

I nodded and grabbed another book from the pile, flicking through the pages and every so often, looking up to see if Li had stirred. Of course she hadn't, and the minutes passed painfully as the three of us racked our brains.

"Merlin, I wish I'd listened to Slughorn now" Weasley hissed as he slammed shut another book unsuccessfully. "Why can't it be as simple as it was when Harry cured me from that mead?" he mumbled, reaching for another book.

Suddenly, the penny dropped, and Weasley leapt to his feet. "It is as simple as that! A bezoar!"

Within a second he was at the large box of potions and ingredients that Andromeda kept on top of her cabinet, rummaging through the drawers until he pulled out a grey, boring looking stone.

I watched as he rushed over to our sister, opening her mouth and placing the bezoar inside, shoving it down her throat. He shut her mouth once more, his eyes full of desperation as we waited for a few, painful seconds.

Then, by some miracle, she began to cough. Sophia and I jumped up and flew to her bedside, amazed that Weasley's idea had actually worked. We watched as slowly Andromeda's eyelashes fluttered on her cheeks, and her eyes opened.



I could remember nothing of my sleep. I didn't dream nor think, it was just constant blackness, surrounding and suffocating me.

Then suddenly, I was awoken. My eyes opened and at first the light blinded me, but after blinking a few times, my eyes adjusted, and I saw the relieved faces of Perseus, Ron and Sophia leaning over me.

My throat was dry, to my amazement I found myself able to reach for the glass of water beside my bed, and sat upright as I drank it, quenching my thirst. Then, the memories of Draco being the one to curse me, and what he was doing returned, and I spat my water everywhere.

"What day is it?" I croaked, trying to stand. My legs were weak and still tingling, but with Ron and Perseus on either side, supporting me, I regained my balance.

"30th of June, 6:20pm" Perseus recited.

"I haven't missed him!"

From the other side of the room, I grabbed my wand. "Ron, has Harry already left?" I hissed, wobbling slightly but staying upright. Ron nodded with a frown, "yes, about 20 minutes ago. Li, what's going on?"

I grabbed a hair band and hurriedly tied back my hair. In the coming battle, I'd need to be able to see. "Draco's going to get a group of Death Eaters into the castle, and then he's going to kill Dumbledore. You need to find the others and alert the Order, get them here!"

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