As our lips met, all I could think was that this definitely had been a 'merry little Christmas.'

The next day was the day that I decided to teach Draco how to skate.

The skates I had gotten him were lying by the doorway, abandoned since he had opened it the day before. He still didn't understand exactly what they were for, which I personally found a bit hard to believe, because even at Hogwarts a couple people skated on the lake once it froze over. All the muggle-raised boys in the Gryffindor Common Room knew how to skate from their childhood, and the weekends were mainly spent teaching the boys who were raised in the wizarding world how to use the footwear on the ice.

I wondered why Draco had never at least seen us on the ice. We were out there most of the time, and occasionally we would sneak out after hours and skate for a while before setting off fireworks and heading back in before a professor caught us. It was hard to believe that Draco hadn't glanced out the window and seen us on the lake at least once, but I guess he had better things to do than watching muggle activities.

So after we had finished breakfast, I grabbed his hand and pulled him out to the hallway, happy that I could finally do that without having to worry that he didn't feel the same way. I tossed him his jacket, which he caught and shrugged on, glancing at me.

"What are we doing?"

"We," I said, picking up the skates and passing them to him, "Are going to go skating."

"Skating." he repeated, glancing down at the objects in his arms.

"Yeah." I pulled out my own skates and turned towards him. "You ready?"

"Uh, just a second." He slid on his boots and grabbed some mittens, throwing mine at me. I caught them easily and grabbed his hand again.


He nodded. I thought of the pond near where I had grown up, a 15 minute walk from the Dursley's house. We were there in seconds, standing near an overgrown weeping willow's trunk. There was a bench nearby, and I brushed the snow off so that I could sit on it and lace up my skates. I pulled them tight easily, my fingers instinctively knowing when to tighten and where the next row of the laces were. I had come here a lot as a child, when I was able to get away from the Dursleys. The rest of the neighbourhood seemed to be unaware of its existence, and even if they knew, I doubted they would have come, since it was known that Harry Potter, the 'delinquent', often visited the area.

Once I finished with my skates, I turned towards Draco. He had managed to slide them on to his feet and begin to tie them up, but I could tell just by looking at them that they weren't nearly tight enough: if he tried to skate on them he would wobble and fall instantly.

"Here." I knelt by his feet and swiftly tightened them. He smiled gratefully at me, but I could tell that he was still confused: I never had, after all, explained what skating actually was.

I helped him to his feet, holding his arm so he would be able to balance on the thin blades. I personally was used to walking on them, but I knew that he wouldn't be able to stand on his own at first.

"So... what is skating?" he asked, when we reached the edge of the ice. I glanced around quickly for muggles, but when I didn't catch sight of any, I used magic to clear the snow off of the frozen pond.

"It's like this." I stepped on to the surface and instantly felt more powerful. I quickly did a couple laps of the pond before arriving back at Draco.

"Looks easy." he shrugged.

I laughed. Every wizard-raised Gryffindor had said that, too, promptly before falling over backwards and wobbling back to the shore

"I just make it look easy." I winked at him. "Okay, now step on to the ice."

He obeyed, and stood near the edge, taking a few cautious steps forward. I raised my eyebrows: he was doing well, considering this was his first time on ice with skates. Looking closer, though, I could see that his legs were shaking and that it was taking a lot of effort not to fall.

I grabbed his shoulders, steadying him, and instantly he relaxed, smiling sheepishly up at me. I smiled back, and he took a couple more small steps.

I shook my head at the way he was 'skating': he was moving the way you would walk, lifting his feet totally off the ice and bending his knee so he could take slow steps. I figured that it was the best way for him to get used to the surface, though, so I let him use his technique for a couple minutes before correcting him.

"Try this." I demonstrated the proper way to skate, sliding my left foot out on a forward angle slowly, then my right foot, then my left.

He frowned, but followed my instructions, grabbing my hand. Unfortunately, I hadn't explained it quite right, and he didn't expect how fast his foot would glide forward.

''WHOA!'' I grabbed his hands, standing in front of him and pulled as hard as I could to prevent him from falling on his backside. After getting over the shock, he let out a shaky laugh, and we began to move forward slowly.

''Your doing great, Draco.'' I said, to help build his confidence, even though it was me doing most of the legwork.

''Haha.. look Harry I can skate!''

I smiled at how cute he sounded saying that. ''Yes you are. You wanna try without help?''

He responded with a firm ''Yes," keeping his eyes fixed on his feet. I slowly let go but kept my hands stretched out near him in case he needed help. He wobbled slightly and lunged for my hands. His fingernails dug into the back of my hand as he fell forward on to the cold ice, dragging me down with him. We lay side by side on the freezing surface, and he began to laugh.

I propped myself up on my elbow and looked at him. "Are you okay?"

He smiled, his grey-blue eyes crinkling at the corners. "Fine. Can I try again?"

Rolling my eyes, I got back to my feet and held out my hand for him to grab. He caught hold of it, but when he tried to put his weight in his feet they slid forward and out from underneath him. I laughed and skated around to the other side, hoisting him up to his feet.

He brushed the snow off of his back and ran his fingers through his blond hair. "What did I do wrong?"

"Uh, just keep your other foot moving, too, and don't put all your weight into one foot: you won't be able to balance."

He nodded, and tried again. And again. Hours passed, and though he tried his hardest, he kept falling down, which made him increasingly frustrated. I hadn't expected any better, though: in fact, he had exceeded my expectations, considering that this was his first time ever using skates.

Finally the cold began to get to both of us, creeping into our fingers and toes. We undid our skates and apparated back to the house, where the heater had been running, and I pulled off my frosty gloves eagerly. Draco heated up some soup so that we would both warm up.

"I, uh, liked that, Harry." Draco said as we were eating lunch.

I laughed. "No you didn't. Almost no one does the first time, because they aren't able to do it properly. I've been skating since I was little, so I'm a little better."

He shrugged. "I guess I'll just have to get better then."

His eyes locked on mine and I smiled at him, placing a small kiss on his red nose. I laced my fingers through his wondering how I had gotten so lucky.

Author's Note:

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas, and are having / had a great New Year's Eve. I'm spending it with one of my best friends, Antonia (who, by the way, is on Wattpad with the username toniarus ... go check her out! She writes AMAZING poetry, which is big for me because I never really liked poetry before).

I actually had this chapter written and edited for quite a while... I don't know why I didn't post it, but I'm really sorry for the wait. :/

Anyways, have an amazing 2014!

(The next chapter should be up soon).



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