"I knew his ass was a hypocrite" I looked at Jasper with a raised eyebrow, "I don't get how he can walk around here being all overprotective of you, but ends up being the one who hurts you the most by lying to you".

Sighing, I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know".

"So y'all aren't together anymore?"

For a second time, I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not sure".

Jasper didn't say anything, but I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't very happy with my answer. I didn't know what else to tell him though, I never really said anything to Chresanto about breaking up. Oddly enough, it hadn't even crossed my mind until now, I was too busy trying to handle my damn emotions to even think about ending things with him. A part of me wanted to stay in a relationship with Chresanto, but I knew things wouldn't be the same.

Axel was Chres' boyfriend first, they obviously enjoyed each other's company and did a lot of things together, what if Chresanto doesn't enjoy our time together as much as he did his time with my brother? I know how I can be, I would begin to worry that I'm not as special as my brother because he got to be with Chresanto first, and I don't think I would be able to enjoy the relationship like I used to.

I was the next best thing for Chres, I always had been, and I didn't even know it. I know now though, and I wasn't going to be able to let it go anytime soon. If it meant giving him the cold shoulder, then so be it, he was going to learn that he really did hurt me.

I had to eat lunch with Jasper because he was really the only other friend that I had besides Chresanto, Rayan, and Elijah. I wasn't speaking to any of them... And maybe I did feel a bit guilty when I passed by their table and saw how upset Elijah looked, but he knew this whole time about my brother and Chres, and he hadn't said anything to me.

"Guys, this is Jacob" Jasper introduced me to everyone at his table because I really didn't know anybody like that. The only person I recognized was Winston, but we weren't super good friends, we did talk though.

I actually sat down beside Winston and watched him look around, "I don't have to worry about Chresanto, do I? I've learned he can get quite the temper when people talk to you".

I rolled my eyes, "you don't have to worry about him..." I then shrugged my shoulders, "I can do whatever I want anyway, he doesn't control me".

"Right" he gave me an amused look, I don't think he believed me. "Well how have you been since... You know..."

"You know the word seizure isn't forbidden, right?" I joked, "I'm not going to cringe at the word and freak out. I had one and although it was pretty scary and embarrassing, I'm fine now. My health's been good".

"Sorry, didn't know if you wanted to pretend like it never happened, but I'm glad you're doing well".

"Thanks, I really appreciate that".

Winston and I pretty much talked the whole time and he was the only thing keeping me from continuously glancing over my shoulder. I couldn't get Chresanto out of my head, I wasn't supposed to be thinking about him, I was supposed to be upset here. When I walked out of the cafeteria with Winston, I did see Chresanto walking down the hall by himself, we'd usually walk together but obviously that wasn't going to happen today.

"You going to Jasper's after school?" Winston nudged me and I instinctively nudged him back. "To smoke?"

I shrugged my shoulders and ran my fingers through my hair. "I don't know".

Tempest (Royce/Winston)Where stories live. Discover now