Chapter 69 and 70

Start from the beginning

Y- "who is this"

S- "Didn't you parents ever tell you no to talk to strangers?"

Y- "No.. not really.."

S- "Wait? What!?"

Y- "Yeah.. they were never really around.. so I just learned on my own"

S- "oh, well.. (Y/n).. wanna hang at Starbucks?"

Y- "Wait, who is this?"

S- "Sorry forgot, It's James.. it's been a longtime.. my Brother told me you were still in town.."

Y- "James.. I'm Grounded.. if I was not Grounded.. I would not be home.. I would be somewhere else"

S- "Like were?"

Y- "You don't need to know,.. I have to go Talk to you later"

S- "yeah.. okay"

I hung up.. okay that was weird..

"(Y/n)! We're you just on the phone!" Mom yelled.. and I Jumped

"What the hell.. you gave me heart attack!" I said

"Come on let's go! Let's get you a new phone.." she said

"Okay!" I said

We went to the store were I bought the phone

"Hello! How may I help you my name is Jim.." Jim said

"Hey.. um I was wondering.. do I still have my upgrade?" I said

"Let's see here.." he said well looking on his computer "Actually Miss your upgrade.. was use two weeks ago" Jim said

"What! How.. I didn't use it.. and no one has access to my account.." I said

"It's what is says here that you used it" he said

"Let me see.." I said

"I can't more my screen.. you would have to come around the desk" he said and I started to walk around

"It says right here... that.. another account gained access to my account" I said I looked at my mother

"Here let's see what account gained the access.." he said

"Mrs. Dahlberg.. " he said

"Mom.." I said

"Sorry hunny but I needed the upgrade" she said

"Do I have anymore stored upgrades?" I asked the man

"Actually.. no.. but I will give you one of mine.. I have Seven.." he said

"Thanks Jim!" I said well pulling the phone out

"So what is it upgrading it up to?" He asked

"What do you have?" I asked

"Well.. iPhone 6s plus.. or the iPhone 7" he said

"iPhone 7.." I said

"The only thing is you have to wait a few days before we give it to you" he said

"Okay.. do I get a phone to use till then?" I Asked

"Sadly.. no.." he said

"Well then.." I said

"Wait actually.. we could give you the phone.. in two days.." he said

"Wait really!" I said

"Yea.. but I want something in return.." he said

Don't Mess With Me.  MitzanXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now