Birthday Forgotten - Male Avengers

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y/n=your name
e/c=eye colour
s/c=skin colour
f/c=favourite colour
d/l=dress length
b/s=body shape
f/f=favourite flower

*In this one-shot, you, my dear reader, have the power to control the elements
*Caution - There is one swear word in this
*This is a super long story, but I will not apologise for that. I'm very proud of this one, and I hope you guys like it.Happy Reading.

Reader's POV

Today started out so great. I woke up with a smile on my face, a special message from FRIDAY, my heart leaping out of chest in anticipation for the day, and a spring in my step as I skipped into the kitchen. Today was my birthday, and even though it was my first ever birthday without any of my family with me, I was still excited to spend it with my second family; my team.

The first people I saw for the day was Sam, Steve and Bucky, who were sitting at the table with a coffee in their hands and, in Steve's case, a newspaper in front of his face. I smiled at my friends, pouring myself a tea and grabbing my cereal, seating myself in front of the trio.

"Morning boys. Beautiful day isn't it?" I chirped. Steve glanced up from his paper to give me a smile, Bucky gave me a brief hug, and Sam turned his head my way. "Morning (n/n). Yeah, I guess it is a nice day out. Perfect weather for the morning run we had just before."

I smiled again, starting to wonder if they had perhaps forgotten. "That's nice Sammy. So, you guys got anything planned for today? Anything... special in mind?"

Bucky gave me an odd look. "Nope. Nothing special planned. Just a regular day hanging out in the tower Common Room. Wanna join us?"

My smile faltered. They forgot. "Oh, uh, no thanks, I'm good. I think I'll go annoy Tony, Bruce and Loki or spar with Clint, Vision, Thor and Pietro. I'll see you guys later I guess."

They returned my farewell, and I quickly moved to the elevator, pressing the button for the training floor. Perhaps Clint, Piet and Vision had remembered. Natasha and Wanda were currently out of the country on a mission, so I knew it was a long shot that I would get any messages from them today, but before they left they promised they would celebrate with me as soon as they got back.

My hopes were dashed there too. All I had received was an offer to spar with them and an invite to maybe play some video games with them later. I declined, my spirits slowly falling further as I made my way to the lab. Surely Tony and Bruce hadn't forgotten.

When I got to the lab, only Tony and Loki occupied the large room, Tony sitting with his head bent over his latest project idea blueprints and Loki leaning against the closest wall. "Hey Tony, Loki. Where's Bruce? It's kinda weird seeing the Science Bros split up with one in the lab."

Tony's head lifted from the schematics, a smile on his face. "Hey (y/n), Brucey is out on a coffee run. We've been at this since like 3am. What brings you down here babe?"

My smile faltered again, but I covered it up before either man could notice. "Oh, just wanted to come down and see how my two favourite nerds and my favourite prankster were doing. You know you guys should really get more sunlight. You're gonna start looking like Vampires you stay cooped up in here much longer."

Tony chuckled, "Yeah, you might be right there (y/n). We'll have to look into getting out some more during the day. Now angel, you know I absolutely love you joining us down here for some fun sciencey experiments and making explosions of pretty colours, but Bruce and I are about to start testing a pretty dangerous prototype, and I wouldn't dream of putting your pretty face in harm's way. I'll call you down as soon as we're done and we can have some fun later okay?"

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