Things I'd rather not say to someone's face...

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- To Jackie....(my class)

Just shove a doughnut in your pipe hole and burn!!!! >:o

No one likes you!!! You so ugly and mean, and it will all be over one day!!!! :( you know saying comments about people doesn't make them feel think it's harmless, but what if one da the person decides they don't want those snarky comments? What if they lock themselves with pills in the bathroom?

-To monika (my class)

get a life...I mean...your popular , you think your all that and can just take what you want from know something you can take from someone without knowing it? Self respect...I said it...I said it.... Now listen....your not as pretty as you say. Your not skinny...your fat!

-to Phillip (my class)

listen here. you didn't do anything directly wrong to me...I mean *cough cough* People....listen, you don't have to change cause your scared.your best friend as a girl (ex) likes you so dearly, But you cant seem to think that.your hurting everyone cause you used to be so nice, now your nothing...just like all the other people...remember when we used to be friends? Then you started using me....just like everyone else...I found out you did the same to your best best friend...and she liked you.... so you go with cheating slums for what? Satisaction? popularity? it's not a's life...


Done with that rant *phew* sorry you had to read that... (gryffindor quest you better not tell anyone about this since you know me...or else I'll tell Sebby that you obsess over him and stuff: example: Algebra)

other things I wouldnt say to someone's face...

I'll write it in conversation format to tell y'all why I wouldn't...

"What would you do if I died?"


"I'm not suicidal *shrugs* why can't I just know without being labeled?"

"! *hyoerventalates*"


"I would....uh....take your desk near Brandon.."


"Could we die if we hold our breath?"

"Oh God! ar you trying to kill yourself!? Man....I just thought you were cool and all with yourself...but to this lev-"

"I'm not! I'm just asking!"

"Don't be in denial... Anyhow...I don't think so...your a freak."

"*cocks head* fine...."


Things I have actually said to people that backfired.

"Want your banana?"

"Woah! You want my banana!?"



"It tastes good..."

*boy starts laughing*

"Nervermind perverts!"

*realize what they meant*



Anyhow....I guess that's all..

GRYFFINDORQUEST IF YOU SHOW THIS TO ANY LIVING BEING I WILL TELL SEB EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( Your on "thing" and your jealous about.....his stats...

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