As he returned to the drawing room, he could hear the Weasley screaming Granger's name. He knew that releasing them would lead to her rescue. She was lying on her back, his aunt holding her wand to Grangers throat, screaming questions. He almost ran to them, wanting to throw Bellatrix off her, but reminded himself that he could do more good by waiting.

"Draco, fetch the goblin, he can tell us whether the sword is real or not!" His father suddenly commanded him. He ran down to the cellar, knowing that this was his chance.

"Stand back. Line up against the back wall. Don't try anything, or I'll kill you!" Draco yelled, trying to sound sincere. His heart was hammering. If he was caught... He couldn't consider the ramifications, or else he might change his mind. He marched inside, wand first. The prisoners seemed so small, so beaten. But they all had the same fire in their eyes; they hadn't given up hope. Draco grabbed the goblin roughly by the arm, and backed out with him. He knew they would harm him if given the chance, so he kept his guard up. He slammed the door as he left, purposefully leaving it unlocked. He deposited the goblin in front of his aunt, hoping that they would realize soon.

Before Bellatrix could turn on the goblin, there was a loud crack from the cellar. For a moment, no one said anything.

Then, Lucius turned to him. "Draco—no, call Wormtail! Make him go and check!"

Draco's blood ran cold. If Wormtail noticed the door was unlocked, he would undoubtedly tell his father. On top of his fear, Granger was sobbing in pain on the floor.

Wormtail scurried out of the room and down to the cellar. Draco resisted the urge to excuse himself and follow him.

Bellatrix questioned the goblin while it inspected the sword. Eventually he told them that the sword was indeed a fake. Bellatrix relaxed prepared to summon Lord Voldemort. "And I think," she added. "we can dispose of the Mudblood. Greyback, take her if you want her."

Draco raised his wand, pointing it at the werewolf. He wouldn't let him take her. He didn't notice his fathers worried glance.

A loud "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" came from the doorway. The Weasley had burst into the drawing room; Bellatrix looked around, shocked; she turned her wand to face him instead—

"Expelliarmus!" he roared, pointing Wormtail's wand at Bellatrix, and hers flew into the air and was caught by Potter, who had sprinted after the Weasley. Draco's parents and Greyback wheeled about; Potter yelled, "Stupefy!" and his father collapsed onto the hearth. He shot spells in all directions, hoping that his near misses were convincing.

"STOP OR SHE DIES!" Bellatrix was supporting Granger, who seemed to be unconscious, and was holding her short silver knife to Granger's throat. "Drop your wands," she whispered. "Drop them, or we'll see exactly how filthy her blood is!"

Draco had to remind himself that she was talking to only the Weasley and Potter. At first, it looked like they wouldn't do it, but then their hands went up in surrender.

"Draco, pick them up!" She ordered. He nodded and hurried over to them. At least his aunt didn't have her wand anymore. Thanks to the Weasley, he might have a chance against her. Draco thought for a moment that he had seen movement above, in the rafters of the ceiling. He forced himself to keep his eyes at ground level.

Just as his aunt finished speaking, there was a grinding noise. Draco looked up, along with everyone else in the room, as the chandelier began to tremble. He realized what would happen. Without a second thought, he moved towards Granger and Bellatrix. His aunt threw the girl on the ground and dove out of the way of the heavy glass. Draco was too late. The chandelier shattered over Granger and the goblin. Shards flew at him, cutting his face. He covered his face, trying to slow the bleeding while leaving himself vulnerable. As he suspected, someone tackled him and tore the wands from his hands. He resisted for a moment, until he peeked out one swollen eye to see Potter on top of him. Potter jumped up and stupified the werewolf. From his corner, Draco could see the Weasley lifting Granger from the debris.

"Dobby!" Draco heard his mother scream. He knew he had seen something above the chandelier. "You! You dropped the chandelier—?"

"You must not kill Harry Potter!" Dobby squeaked. Draco almost smiled at his voice. He knew the power elves had, and knew then that the trio would escape alive. His head was bleeding profusely, and blood dripped down into his eyes. Through a haze, he watched as the Weasley caught a wand and disapparated, with Granger in his arms. He sighed with relief, and the adrenaline rush slowed. She was finally safe.

He watched as Potter took the elf's hand and began to disapparate. His aunt flung her knife into the place where they had been standing. The knife disapparated with them. Draco's head rolled back against the wall.

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