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It had been four long years since the government had released their greatest weapon, named MIST! It was a nuclear warhead whose coordination’s were miss–calculated, and wiped out anyone who couldn’t withstand its powerful radiation.

Everyone I loved has been wiped out, but how was I immune

"Why couldn't i die with them, why did they leave me all alone."


Little did our young Hero know that he was being watched by an underground facility? A scientist stood tall in an old abandoned bunker, turning around to stare with His piercing eyes into the computer’s monitor.

"I’m sure we are not the only one who has discovered this young man’s worth?"

As thunder flashed I noticed two dark figure standing behind me.

"Who are you?" I shouted.

"You put on quite the show, the screaming and the thunder had much emotion! Just like a little girl!" one of the mysterious figures insulted.

"Shut your mouth" I defended, in a hypnotic like language I couldn’t understand.

Another guy decided to show Himself, placing His hand one the first guy’s shoulders.

Confusion built up, what was going on? I couldn’t understand. He stepped ahead of the first guy and cautiously lifted His sunglasses.

"Such vulgar language boy! Such thoughts should never be spoken. Yes boy, I can read your mind!" the Man chuckled, "You speak as though you were raised by a pack of wolves, and your whorish mother in which this world could do rid of! Such impure life such as your family, but yet you stand before that of, not mortal man, but before a god much like yourself? You should be grateful to us that we even showed up when we did. Now bow before your superiors, so that we may take you to where your kind belongs!"

"How dare you speak of my mother like that?" I said outraged.

It seemed with the outburst of my emotions the air got sticky and hot. Heat filled my crevasse where I stood!

"You preach to me about vulgar language? Who are you to preach at all? So what if you can read minds? You think that gives you and advantage over anything more than a flower?" I continued.

Steam formed around Him, emanating from His shoulders in whispering winds.

I had finally found others and they were nothing more than a bunch of asses?

"You really shouldn’t have said that!" the first guy said with a chuckle as he looked at His partner.

"I thought I told you to shut up!" he said as an invisible sonic wave followed His words, sending the unfortunate man to His knees.

The mysterious man proceeded to put His hand on His partners head.

"Pray, for you will not be coming back with me to the place!" the second man said.

"Oh please don’t!" the man pleaded!

With those as His last words, blood pooled off His mouth dripping down His face. It seemed as though the sunglassed man was using sonic waves to destroy His partner’s brain? Once His partner fell to the ground. He looked back into my eyes as he wiped His hands on His clothing. I always hate when a brother figure dies in the good fight!

"So it seems a new position has opened up? Would you like the honor of filling His slot?" the sunglassed man smiled darkly.

I looked at Him and shot Him the best smile I could as I conjured a fireball in my hand and threw it right at Him. Knocking the man to the ground.

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