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hey you, whoever is reading this.

it may or may not  be the one I'm writing this for..

so two options :

if you are the one I'm writing this for...

please think of me. don't think of her, if there is a "her" already.

When you read this, know that I'm writing everything I couldn't say to you.

So please, just for this one time... think of me. Only me.

if you are not the one I'm writing this for...

then think of him. think of her. think of you.

when you read this, i hope it makes you think of the person you want to say all these things to.

please imagine yourself in my position, if you aren't already.

remember the love you are capable of giving.

i hope you find the courage to tell him/her what you feel. 

and if you read this and you are currently hurting.

I apologize. I apologize for me. for him. for her.

it was not my intention to make you hurt even more.

if you're hurting when you read this,

just know that you'll get through anything. no matter how hard.

feel the things you feel.

get angry. cry into your pillow. scream the words that's eating you inside.

do the things you need to do.

read this and think of them.

remember the good and the bad times.

but after that, remember that you're more than just a part of someone's history .

move on.

feel everything. get angry. get sad. feel all the things you feel for him/her.

you'll feel everything until one day you won't.

and you have moved on.

realize that you deserve to be loved too.

with all the love you've been giving, you deserve to be loved as much.

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