Chapter: Gifts

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(A/n I will not stop writing until I complete this book, so sit back and enjoy the last few chapters of my story)

Rebecca POV 

"WHAT TOO YOU SO GOD LONG" my sister hailey said with a slight southern accent as she was screaming at me, which caused a few heads to turn.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there was traffic on the way here" I know that was a lie but that's what I came up with it during the car ride and it hard to think when the famous wrestler you were baby sitting pops up out of nowhere talking about how he's "never letting me go".

She glared at me "Now I know that you're lying because my friends parents came within 20 minutes and they live around the same place we do."

"Well next time be patient" I said unlocking the car doors.

"What about next time you can drive faster" she replied 

This girl got a mouth on her

20 minutes later

"...her mom offered me a ride too, but NOOOOOO! I turned down the offer because I know that my big sister who was coming to live with us is gonna be picking me up, and ya see what a bust that was..." she has been complaining the whole ride. So does this is what mom has to deal with, how does she do it?

"Ya know, you're lucky that I can even drive. The main reason why I'm here is because I injured my arm"

"Oh yaaahhh!" She said then popped her gum

"Shouldn't you be in a cast or something? So your arm can heal properly"

"Yah, but the wcw doctor didn't specialize in that so I decided to wait till I come here to get one, plus it's cheaper" I turned to her and winked

"It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would though, thank god"

"Rebecca you're dumb, you know that right!" she said after a few seconds of silence, which caught me off guard

"That's a really serious injury you've got on your hands there and brushing it off because 'it doesn't hurt' isn't smart" hailey does have a point there, I'm so used to putting other things in front of me that I don't even realize that I'm not taking care of myself.

"Fine I promise to go to the doctor and get a cast this week" I huffed

"No today" she said in a  demanding voice "I don't want you doing anything else that can possibly worsen your injury, and knowing you, you will, so get it done today, I didn't care if I have to go there with you, get it done" I was surprised at my baby sis, the last time I've spoken to her she was a fraction of my height and didn't believe in yelling, was I gone that long?

I chuckled "yes ma'am,I'll drop by the doctor's and I'll do it after I dropped you off at mom's, and also who taught you how to yell"

"Mom put me in the rotc program and I learned some things" she smiled and wink

"Oh yah one more thing"

Hailey looked over at me

"Where's the doctor's office?"

After getting the cast

After being stuck at the doctors for 2 hours I finally got my cast, but before they put it on the doc X-ray my arm to see if I was lying about my injury, I don't blame him, seeing a healthy looking girl walking into a doctor's office talking about how she wanted a cast would make me question her sanity also.

Since the hospital wasn't busy they did it without me scheduling an appointment, so generous. After I got it done on of the nurses who happened to be friends with my mom said if I would've walked about without a cast any longer the injury would've worsened, I've gotta thank hailey later.

I parked my car in my parents drive way, yes I live with my parents, they insisted, and also this is a good way to make up for lost years. Since the doctor's office wasn't that far from the house, my right arm didn't get tired but after this day I can't drive anymore which isn't a bad thing, I've been wanting to walk around this town for a while now and since everything is close together I won't have to walk too far.

I decided to leave all my stuff in the car, I'll use the fact that I got a cast for hailey to come and get it. 

I walked over to the concrete pathway which leads to the front door, I saw that the lights were on, which means they haven't went to sleep yet. That's weird because it's nearly 10 at night and they still have the lights on? I knocked the door with my right hand, which felt weird to me but I had to get used to it, it didn't take too long for them to open.

The door swung open and I saw my dearest little sis with a sinister smiled. "Can you go to my car and get my bag-" she cut me off, "special delivery for Rebecca Curci " said and stepped to the side. I gave her a questionable look and proceeded to enter my parents house, "Becca is that you!" my mom yelled from my room. "Yah, mom it's me!" I yelled back,  " Can you come here for a second" she said in a slightly concerned voice which worried me.

I began to speed walk to my room "Yah mom what's the mat-" I cut myself off as I looked around my room and saw that it was completely invaded by gifts, flowers,and chocolate.

"Woah" I said as I walked around my room looking at everything in awe. "Is this a late welcome home present or a get well soon present? Because I can't tell the difference" I said as I used one hand to open one of the presents on the floor that was rapped in red and gold rapping paper with a gold bow at the top revealing a teddy bear.

"Well I was hoping you could tell us" my dad said while walking in.

I giggled "why would I know anything about this" I said while playing with the teddy bear, I don't know why but ever since I was a kid I was a sucker for gifts

"Well right after you dropped hailey off a delivery truck stopped by our house and said all this (he motions to the gifts in her rooms)  was for you, so we let them put everything in your room, at first we just thought that you went on a sugar rush and ordered all this stuff from your left over nitro money but once we found this note duck tapped to on of the boxes of chocolate we thought otherwise"

"lemme see that" I walked to my father and retrieved the note

To Rebecca 

I remember that you said
You had a ultimate sweet
Tooth, so I gave you a little
Something to help that.

From Mr.Heartbreaker 💔

I couldn't help but to giggle a bit, and said with a soft smile "he works fast"

(A/n I know this sucks balls but I try)




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