
The smell of coffee and bacon was what stirred Josh from his sleep, his neck was a little sore and his feet were asleep, but other than that he was fine. As soon as his eyes were open they turned to the couch and he panicked for a moment when Chloe wasn't there, he sat upright and it was then he noticed the blanket draped over him. 
"Your awake" he heard a soft voice say from the kitchen and he turned to look at Chloe, she was freshly showered and wearing one of his shirts, it was so large on her it was big enough to be a dress. To his surprise though he noticed she wasn't wearing anything but his shirt and underwear, her feet were bear and she blushed and smiled shyly at him when she saw him noticing that fact. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't exactly bring a change of clothes last night" she said timidly and he shook his head and smiled at her. 
"I don't mind, I actually like it to be honest" if it was possible she blushed even more and looked down, biting her lip in the process. 
"I made coffee and eggs" she said and looked up at him beneath her lashes, "if you want any" she said and glanced over at the kitchen stove. 
He didn't hesitate before standing up and stretching his legs and arms, smiling at her when he approached her and he was happy she didn't pull away when he grabbed her waist gently and pulled her close, leaning down to give her a kiss. 
"Good morning" he murmured against her lips and she rolled her eyes but smiled none the less. 
"Morning" she answered and pulled away walking into the kitchen and pouring to big mugs with coffee, she brought her own to her lips and watched him help himself to breakfast. 

He was putting away his plate when he noticed her standing by the window, she seemed deep in thought and he could feel the emotional termoil she was going through like it was his own feelings. 
"Are you gonna tell me what all is this is about?" he asked finally and she snapped out of her daze turning around to face him and she was quiet for a long time, debating on whether or not to tell him anything. 
"It's a long and complicated story" she said quietly and he wiped his hands on an apron before going around the kitchen island and leaning back against, folding his arms and telling her with his body that he had all the time in the world. 
"Okay" she said and nodded her head, it was more like she was convincing herself to tell him, then actually agreeing to tell him. 
"Here goes"

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

New York 2011

She was hurrying down the street, it was freezing outside and everytime she breathed a white cloud of frost appeared in front of her. She was wearing the new winter coat her grandparents had gotten her for christmas and she was glad it was so warm, at least she wouldn't have to freeze to death right away. 
She felt relief as she was coming up on the Whitney Museum, only a few more blocks and she was there, she couldn't wait to get inside and hit the shower, snuggling into her flannels pj's with a cup of hot cocoa and a movie under her favorite wool blanket. 
One thing about living in New York though, it might be ice age temperatures at wintertime, but at night when the sky was dark except for the stars, she was sure there was no place as beautiful as the big apple if you could see all the lights and hear all the people. She especially loved the singing, New York was a city full of music and song, during christmas there were carollers everywhere, and on the subway their was plenty of streetmusicians, and a lot of them were really talented, she could sit down there for hours and listen to some of them. 

It was friday night and she was on her way home from dance class, her parents were visiting her grandparents in Wisconsin for the weekend and Chloe was home alone with their dog Champ, he was a four year old husky and probably the thing she loved most in this world, not that he was a thing, but you know. Sarah was coming over later, but she was out with her boyfriend and wouldn't be around until like ten or eleven, which when Chloe checked her cell, would be two or three hours from now. 
She lived in a tall apartment complex on the upper east side not far from Central Park, and she usually took Champ for a jog there every morning, it was like the only daily routine she had, even during weekends and holidays. And yes, she even jogged during the winter, only a lot slower, shorter and far more careful, she was terrified of slipping on ice and breaking her back. 

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