Dirty Little Secret

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I wasn't originally going to write anymore for this, its supposed to bew a one-shot but I've decided to carry on with it.

Hope you enjoy.

Edward's POV

Alice's piercing scream interrupted my concentration. I tried to get a lock on her thoughts but it was as if she was blocking me. I left the dead mountain lion on the forest floor and took off in the direction of my adopted sister. In a matter of seconds I was in the presence of my family apart from Carlisle and Jasper. Alice was crumpled on the floor screeching. "What's going on?" I asked.

Esme was the first to respond, "We were just talking and then she dropped to the floor and started screaming. I don't know anything else other than that."

I crouched down next to Alice and put my arms around her. "Alice. What's going on?" Her screaming stopped and her eyes flew open.

She whispered the one word that made my heart pound, the one thing in the world that could revive my dead heart. "Bella." I took off at my fastest speed towards the house. I heard the footsteps of my family following me. After a few minutes the house came into view and if anything I pushed myself harder to try and get to my Bella faster. I burst through the front door and heard Bella's accelerated heartbeat coming from upstairs. I raced up the stairs and burst into the bathroom totally unprepared for the scene being played in front of my eyes. I saw my father figure and adopted brother crouched in front of the bath containing my beloved Bella.

"What the hell is going on? What did you do?" I could hear Bella's heart fighting against the venom that had been pumped into her body. "What have you done to my Bella?" Jasper and Carlisle both growled at me objectifying Bella. What is going on? She is mine. They know this. Bella is mine not his! I heard Jasper growl in his head. "What are you talking about Jasper? You have Alice. Bella is mine!"

"No Edward. Bella is mine. She is my mate and I have claimed her as my mate. So has Jasper. She belongs to us now." Carlisle interrupted.

"I don't understand. How can this be? You are both married, you can't just take my mate. She belongs to me."

"She isn't your mate!" snarled Jasper, "She's ours."

"But Jazz, what about me?" sobbed Alice, "What about us? You're my husband."

"I'm sorry Alice," Jasper's face showed the pain he felt from everyone in the room. "But she is my mate. You knew we weren't meant to be together forever."

"But I love you." she whispered.

"I love you too Alice but Bella is my mate, I can't abandon her. She is my life now." Jasper explained. How could this happen? One minute I have Bella and I'm going to ask her to marry me and the next she is Carlisle's and Jasper's mate.

"Carlisle," one broken word that had everyone turning to look at a distraught Esme.

"I'm sorry Esme, but I need Bella. We've had a great marriage but it has come to an end. I think we should separate ourselves before we leave."

"Leave?" I barked. "What do you mean leave?"

"Jasper, Bella and I are starting our own coven." replied Carlisle.

"You're not taking my Bella! I'll rip you both to pieces!" I lunged for Carlisle wrapping my hand around his throat preparing to snap it when I heard a blood-curdling scream.

Bella's POV

The pain was unbelievable. The fire was burning hotter than ever. I felt it get hotter as it began to recede from my extremities. My insides felt like they were in an oven but my skin felt like I was in a freezer. It gradually concentrated on my heart as if trying to cook it. I felt my heart begin to give out. It refused to fight the venom any longer. I heard the last few struggling beats before it stopped. That was when I heard it. "You're not taking my Bella! I'll rip you both to pieces!" I screamed before jumping out of the bath and ripping Edward off Carlisle before throwing him into the opposite wall.

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