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I woke up to a jolt, causing me to jump up. I was in a car. I don't know how I got here, but whoever's driving, is speeding. Way over the speed limit.

I groaned rubbed my eyes. Nothing makes sense. All I remember is talking to the police then falling asleep, how did I get in the back of a car? Who took me? Where are they taking me? I'm so confused and need some sort of answer. For all I know, crazed serial killers could have me hostage & the hospital might not even know.

I scanned the car to see if any of the doors happened to be unlocked. They weren't. I punched one of the windows. Hard. Hard enough that it should have broken. Instead, all that came was a huge wave of pain from my fist to my shoulder.

"Bulletproof glass, hun. That glass is the strongest shit you'll ever come in contact with," a familiar voice said in a humorous way. Only humor to them though.

I became aggravated and just blurted out every single question I had. "Calm down, Jason. I'll tell you everything," they said.

"You know who I am," the man said, "just think hard and you'll see." I continued to think and think where I heard the voice before. I know it was familar, like it literally jus—

"You. The short, plump cop from the hospital!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Correct," a new voice said. This time female. This one was easy to figure out.

"Nurse?!" I practically shouted.

"Ding ding ding," she snapped her fingers.

"Now, how you got in this car, well, we wheeled you from your room to the car on a gurney," the cop said.

"Wow. Like I couldn't have guessed that," I said in a sarcastic tone.

"The burning question you probably have is why. Why did we take you? Hm, Ariana's mother, Joan, told us something interesting. You kidnapped her so she would fall in love with you again and it just so happens that she did. That shouldn't have happened, Jason. Joan told us an old "lover" of yours, Emma, had given her this information, so Joan contacted us because she can't stand the thought of you being with her daughter after finding out the truth about you. She doesn't want to think about the sex Ariana would have with her kidnapper."

"Shut up," I stopped him, but he just continued talking.

"Not everyone is as lucky as you, Jason. Not every body gets their dream girl. You weren't supposed to get the girl, but you couldn't stand not having her. So, you stripped her of everything she had & forced her to fall in love with you again."

"Ariana is in love with me. She cares about me and wants to be with me."

"That is, until she realizes what a mistake she's making," the cop continued on again, "she deserves a real love. True love. Not this fake, fairy tale shit you're giving her. You see, I've been keeping Ariana safe her entire life. She just didn't know it. Nobody did except Joan. Joan gave me what I wanted so I would keep Ariana safe in return. All Joan had to do was fuck me once in a while."

"You're a sick bastard," I spat at him and spit in his face. The cop wiped his face with his sleeve and spit back on me. I didn't show any sense of bother.

"Oh, Jason, No. You're a sick bastard. I agreed to keep Ariana safe for pleasure in return, but what you did caused me to get no pleasure from Joan. I said I would keep Ariana in complete safety, but somehow you managed to take her without me seeing. I don't know how, but what I wish I could do to you right now, oh you'd be dead, son. You're lucky Joan wants you alive. For now, at least."

"All I wanted was to be happy again," I looked at my knees.

"Then why didn't you just fucking talk to Ariana? Huh?!" he started shouting at me and looking back through the mirror. "You chose to take all of Ariana's happiness & force her to make happiness all around you."

"You're a selfish bitch," the cop gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were turning white.

"I know everything about you, Jason. Shit you haven't even told anybody ever before. You'd be surprised what I know."

"You don't know shit," I clenched my jaw.

"Oh really? Well, you'll see," he chuckled.

"I better tell you something you here, kid. You're probably wondering why Joan wanted me to protect Ariana," he was right. I didn't realize at the time, but I'm curious to why, "Ariana has dangerous family. Her uncle, Joan's brother, is a deranged serial killer. No, I'm not kidding. He's like the Michael Myers of the family. So, Joan hired me, Ariana's father."

"Y-You're her..f-father?" I was confused and just have a mile wide range of thoughts & questions.

"Ariana imagines that her brother is still alive, but he's not. Joan and I explained to her that Frankie killed himself, but that's not the case. See, Joan's brother, Thomas, murdered Frankie when he was twenty-two. Frankie was so young. No body knows why he killed only Frankie. We believe he was going to kill all of us, but the police got to him first. He was locked up in an asylum, basically, and over a decade ago, he escaped. So, Joan hired me, since I used to be in gangs, to watch out for Ariana and make sure Thomas never came near her or anyone else in the family, but mainly Ariana. Joan was more concerned about Ariana than herself, honestly and when you kidnapped her, Joan was a goddamn mess. She was positive Thomas had taken Ariana and killed her, sure she's grateful you took her instead of Thomas, but she wants you to pay for taking her pride and joy away from her for so long."

"I-I," the cop cut me off.

"Does that explain everything well enough for ya?" he asked. I nodded my head and muttered a "Yes." I had no idea Ariana's family was as messed up as it is, if I would have known, I never would've done anything to harm them, physically and emotionally. All I want to do is apologize to all of them.

"I'm sorry," I breathed out.

"What's that, kid?" he let out.

"Nothing," I said. He pulled a gun out from his coat pocket and aimed it at the "nurse" in the passenger seat. She squealed so high pitched, the windows should have broken.

"Tell me or I'll shoot her," he said calmly, "1..2..3..4..," All I heard next was the loudest sound I ever heard in my life. He stopped the car, opened the passenger door and pushed the nurse imposters body out of the car.

"Now, what did you say? Or I'll shoot you next," he said.

"I-I-I'm sorry," I stuttered.

"Now, was that so hard? Justin?"


PLOT TWIST BABES !!!!! oh my god i am so excited to release the next chapter omg i've really developed this story into something fantastic, i think! i hope i raised a lot of suspicion & explained everything alright. now you all know the story behind everything!!

please continue commenting, voting, & reading the story, i hope you love it as much as i do!

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