his 'girlfriend'

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Brianna above

Amber POV

"Were we gonna be sleeping?" I asked Mateo fine ass.

"Oh yea fuck follow me." He said we followed him up some stairs and into this big ass room. 

"HOLY FUCK" Brianna yelled and I laughed we put our stuff down and jumped on the bed. 

"Weird asses" He said and started to walk out of our room but we threw a pillow at his head making a fat ass curly hair scrunch up. He screamed and tackled us and his bigger brother Ayo came in and laughed. I threw a pillow at him and he stopped laughing and started tickling.

"aahhh stop b-bitch" I said in between laughs. A throat was cleared probably after sucking to much dick HA!

We all looked up and Jade Mateo girl was right there glaring at us.

"what?" we all asked and she rolled her eyes. 

"Baby come on" Her ugly whiny ass said and he rolled his eyes and got up. "See ya at rehearsal." He said and she dragged him away and we heard a door close.

"I'm hungry asf" Brianna said 

"when ain't you hungry" I said and she fake laughed and flicked me off. I laughed and jumped on her back and ran throughout the bus. 

"CAN YA SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" Zay yelled and we looked at him and gave him the bird. My phone rang and it was my sissy!!

"TAYYYAAAAAA!" I yelled into the phone and she laughed

"Amberrrrr!" she yelled 

"What's the word for the bird my nigga!" I yelled and Zay pushed me and I told Taya to hold up. I hopped on him and we started play fighting. 

~12 minutes later~ I got off him and back onto the phone

"Anyways...WADDUP BITCH!" I yelled and she laughed

"I'm bored asf" she said groaning.

"Aye we coming to Virginia next week so come with us!" I said and she sounded hella excited

"YASSSSSS GURL YASSSSSS!" she said rachetly and I laughed.

"Next week need to come faster like frfr" She said and I nodded

"tru" I said and Mateo came out with his 'girlfriend' Jade 

"Aye it's time for rehearsal." He said and we left off the bus when Marrion stopped the bus. 

~2 hours later~ 

we came back on the bus. Exhausted and sweating hard like a mf

"Imma take a shower" I said " A cold ass one" I went to me and Brianna room and got out my 'pajamas' and took a 45 minute cold shower it felt so good!! WHOOO! I walked out the bathroom and Brianna was there laying down with a cold towel on her face I gripped my towel and jumped on her. "bruuhhhh" She groaned, The door opened and we looked over and seen Jade with her face and she started closing the door

"gay asses" she said and i scrunched my face up 

"bi-" Brianna covered my mouth and the door closed and I slapped her upside her head

"Why the fuck you do that shit!" I said getting up and putting on my 'pajamas' 

and she shrugged mugging me and rubbing her head and took a 25 minute shower then put on her 'pajamas' 
she climbed in my bed and we laid down and fell asleep. 

They 'pajamas'

They 'pajamas'

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This Jade 

Haiiii PLEASE comment on if I should continue

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Haiiii PLEASE comment on if I should continue...or not.... umm keep voting and check out my other stories to thank! LUV YHU GUYS <3 <3 <3

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