Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Alex had been drawn away from his computers when the boss had entered. Violet had demanded his appearance, and all he now saw was this man with disarrayed clothing and askewed spectacles on the floor. He gulped. What were the others going to do with him?

“We need more time for the final phase,” the man said calmly. “I took him as a preventative measure, not because I thought little of your abilities.”

“Right,” drawled out Violet as she leaned on the man's shoulder. “And what do you propose we do with him now?”

“We keep him here until the final phase is over.”

“Why don't we just kill him and be done with it?” she responded just as quickly.

“We might scare that apprentice of yours.”

“Hm? Oh, right, Alex, how could I forget about him,” sighed Violet, releasing the man's arm as she turned to look at the mostly-forgotten apprentice. “Yo, Alex.”

“Yes, Violet?” asked Alex, wishing his voice did not quiver as he spoke. This scared him.

“Take this guy and lock him up in that small closet of yours,” said the girl dismissively, nudging Wheldon with her foot.

Alex gaped a bit. “But that's where I sleep, Vi–”

“Did I say that it was up for debate?” asked Violet, staring at him.

Alex's shoulders slumped. “No, you didn't.”

“Good. Now go and lock him up before he wakes up.”

Alex nodded and proceeded to grab the older and larger man under his shoulders. The boy then dragged him out of the living room and disappeared with him into the little room Alex had used to sleep in.

As soon as Alex and Wheldon had disappeared, Violet turned to her companion. “Do you think they are starting to suspect you, Robert?”

Robert shrugged. “Not yet, I think. I thought I've done a pretty good job of covering my tracks so far.”

“Of course, you did, with my help,” said Violet, poking him lightly in the chest before heading to the room where they had set up the computers. “Where would you be without me, Bob Keller?” she winked as she left the room.

Robert 'Bob' Keller shook his head, unamused by her antics. He headed to the pantry instead, hoping to find something to eat before he had to return to the labs at Xenios and pretend to be puzzled by Wheldon's disappearance.

Late Afternoon, November 9, 2078. San Francisco, California, USA.

Ani stared anxiously at her unconscious mistress as they arrived at the emergency facility where Suriyani would be treated and looked after. The airplane ride had been long, but thankfully they were given priority at the airport customs and immigration. It had taken Ani some time to adjust to the fact that what was nighttime in Jakarta was actually daytime in San Francisco, but she bore it well for the sake of her mistress.

“Alright, Ani, you have to wait here for a moment,” said the female employee, whose name Ani had learned to be Charlotte. “We're just going to check Suriyani's vitals and find a place for her while you fill up some forms for her, alright?”

The maid nodded uncertainly as the other medical employees rolled Suri away on a wheeled bed, the portable power source tucked at Suri's arm. Charlotte led Ani to the waiting area and disappeared. Ani sat down and put her bag on the empty chair next to her before nervously folding her hands on her lap. Charlotte suddenly reappeared and gave her a clipboard with a form attached for Ani to fill out. Ani glanced at what she needed to fill, only to stop uncertainly.

“Don't get me wrong. From what you have told me, I know you are the only caretaker who really looks out for Suriyani,” Charlotte said with a somewhat sad smile. “But the rules and my superiors insist that the legal guardian fills and signs this.”

“I understand,” Ani answered, her heart sinking. “But I honestly don't know if Doctor Sugianto will listen to me, even if I tell him it is for Non.”

“Tell you what. I will accompany you when you talk to him, so that I can vouch for everything you tell him concerning Suriyani,” suggested Charlotte. “Will he listen if we do that?”

Ani paused to think before nodding. “Yes, I think Pak will believe it. Should I call him now?”

“Of course, come with me,” said Charlotte, patiently waiting for Ani to gather her things. “We have a small conference room for you to talk to him. Do you have the number?”

“I do,” answered Ani, her stomach doing flip-flops as she followed the lady. She wondered what her employer's reaction would be. She hoped that he would not fire her without listening to her explanation. 

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