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There was the sound of soft paws stepping on the ground as they patroled the territory. Dawnreed and Feralstrom were both at the front of their patrols.
"Where are we headed?" asked one of the toms following them. "Three treelengths east of the border. Keep away from dense undergrowth and more trees." Dawnreed told Jayfang who had asked her.
"Worried about snakes? Or something else?" he meowed in question.
"We got rid of the snakes! So it shouldn't be a problem!" Piped a mottled tom apprentice. "We are well aware of that information Snakepaw." Meowed his mentor Stormclaw.
"So what should we be worried about?"
"Feralstorm?" Meowed Hazelheart to her father. "She's right. We have been hearing noises at night remember?" He pointed out.
"Well, I'm not scared." Snakepaw vowed.
"No, but you will be in a while." Joked a female apprentice named Foxpaw. She was one of Ivyleaf's kits.
"I will not!" he declared lifting his muzzle to the sky.
"Alright young Foxpaw, no time for jokes and teasing." Fawnheart mewed to her apprentice.
"She's right. This is serious. I've never seen Whitestar come out of her and Onestar's den and up the rock that quickly." Meowed Foxpaw's sister, another apprentice Thornpaw. "Yeah. It was a little worrying." Jayfang mewed.
"Shush!" Feralstrom and Dawnreed ordered at the same time suddenly. At that, a big thing walked on dog like legs. It's head massive and ears pricked, tail bushy and pelt different dark gray like colors it's nose striking and looking around and tail wagging. Slightly bigger than a twoleg dog. Snakepaw flattened his ears and unsheathed his claws, his eyes huge. Foxpaw and Thornpaw stood side by side, unsheathing their claws and keeping together. "This is worse than I thought.." Mewed Redflame.
"No duh..." Jayfang muttered stepping back slightly.
Dawnreed looked as composed as ever, but her tail twitched and her eyes grew huge. "We return to camp. Now." She ordered and both of the patrols hurried silently away to the safety of their camps.

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