DIARY = Amatsuki x Reader

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"Do you ever got a feeling that you can't say anything that would ruin your friendship but you really want to say it?" Out of confusion I raised my eyebrow at the book I am reading at the moment "What's up with this?"

Still missing out with the information even though I had read the whole book. Wait. Does he know I'm reading this?

Pfft. Nahh.

I know all the gods are disgusted at my action right now but let me tell you this. The content of this book is golden. Golden I say! Maybe if I ever sold this original copy online I would make millions. But I won't do that to my dearest friend. After all this is HIS DIARY.

The guy has been my friend for as long as I remember. He's a really nice guy, gentle and sweet. Not to mention he's a famous singer.

At the moment he made a mistake of leaving me in his apartment as he buy some pudding in the convenience store. Because he should already know that I'm a nosy little mouse.

And at first I thought that since he's a guy he might be hiding some interesting things in his room (and yes, what you are thinking.. yes.) and he never failed to spike up my interest. I had found a maroon hard covered journal.

I thought it was some sort of check list or to do list for his career but no. It was one juicy meat. It was a diary that is filled with thoughts and secrets when he's alone.

Though it was ultimately very very rude of me to read. But heck! I won't let my curiosity hanging by the bridge. And quickly scanned the whole thing.

"June x, xxxx

It's hot. Really hot.

Okay. Today I asked Mafumafu-san to go out and get some ice cream with me. Yes. I twitted about it and fans called it a "date" haha that's funny.

After that I decided to stay at Mafumafu-san's place to play some games. I really had fun playing with him~

But alongside the fun and games we did Mafumafu-san had asked me a question that made my entire mood from carefree to worry.

He asked "When will you confess?" That single question had made my mind into a conclusion factory. I didn't know how to respond to his question. I just smiled at him.

And after that I went home."

Okay. The guy likes someone. But he didn't even consulted me about it. It was very shocking because I never heard something like this before. Yes, Amatsuki is a cool guy and everybody loves him but never in our entire friendship he has talked about his love life with me.

Great. Now I'm in a foul mood.

It felt like for him I'm not enough of a friend and it resulted him not telling me anything.

I heard the front door opened and I frantically put everything back to place before he notices me snooping around his stuff.

He arrived with a plastic bag filled with pudding, chips and ice cream. Joy! Wait.. no. I'm supposed to be mad! Hmph!

"Okay. So we got our food.. Now what?" He asked me with a smile.

~Utaite x Reader~ [Fanfictions]Where stories live. Discover now