"but,you know,last time i let someone get in to my life,they broke my heart and it worried me,will you do that?"

"of course i won't,i love you with all my heart,i don't judge you,about your past,about how many people you killed,when people said that you were a killer,you're not.
its just,there is something that makes me like you."

"s-so,are we a thing now?" her smile became wider and its the first time the black widow is blushing

"yes we are"

"i love you,"

"i love you too and don't ever leave me"

"i won't"

"can we go back home?"

"if you want to "

"i need to tell the rest of the team"

"are you sure,nat?"

"yeah..and i need to dye my hair first!"

"okay,lets go pack our bag"


"are you ready,nat?!"

"uh huh,one second!" girls.. "okay im ready!"

"lets go!"



"the car key.."

"its with me"

"oh,okay lets go"


two hours later...


"what.." she said still looking outside at the sky

"you sure you wanna tell them who you are?"

"yeah,i can't keep it a secret for too long"

"fine..how about o-our relationship?"

"umm,everyone will know soon"

"okay,love" i smirked she replied with a small chuckle


"what should i call you then?"

"i dunno, but i want to call you.." she said pretending that she was thinking while putting his fingers on her chin


"im not a foo-"

"but i love dorito!" she pouted

"ugh..fine.then i will call you red."

"thats nice,i like it but my hair is blonde.."

"i thought you want to dye it?"

"oh yeah.."

"i dont like my nickname by the way.."

"i dont care."

"fine,by the way if you want to due your hair,i can dye your hair."

"really?! thats great,i dont have to spend my money then"

"lucky you got a boyfriend like me.."

"yeah, 'boy' friend."

"yeah, 'girl' friend"

"are we there yet?"


and we got out of the car.



im sorry but i need to tell you that i will be off for one week because of exam 😒😒 :(

but i will try to take my phone from my mom if i can😝

love y'all keep voting!

I do. (romanogers fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora