Make up!!!!!

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"yes" I said her eyes lit up she thanked me over and over "get him to karoke night ill see what I can um do" I said winking she grinned leaving I left "nami be on contact" I said "yes llady akiza" she said I left sI changed my barbie necklace flashed I was in the club they were in leaning on the wall not recgonized she saw me kira got on her amanda and yuka got on I shut off yukas mic sorry yuka the music for angel of darkness played she sang it I sat on the bar counter she saw me her face lit up I winked she turned away she did the voice I stood up taking out my mic clicking it on nobody noticed me the girls nodding to it I sang my part yuka shook her head I continued singing ppl turned hearing it I continued singing their eyes widened in shock ayame droped her drink her eyes widened she continuedd singing I winked at em "crystal"  yuka whispered I jumped onsage we di the dance routine they knew instantly it was me cuz I knew it all perfectly "it is her" kami said all of em in shock i was back kira grinned then got into it we continued twirling around we did the new move amanda did the voice rocking it back to their selfs I smiled taking my shades off I stood there I flied on their table I sang it on kami thems table kenzie had her hands on herr mouth in shock I smiled swinging my hips nami watched in the shadows she chuckled "welcome back lady akiza" she thought sneding it to me I smiled continueing to sing it I did the note smiling I walked back the ashs blew pl cheered "is that really u" yuka asked "naw its elmo the fugly midget" I said they grinned hugging me so tightly "we missed u so much crystal" kira whispered "im not allowing her back in ur lives" jack said "u aint got no say now do u jacky dearest" yuka snarled "u hurt our sisters!" charlie roared "oh now  u wanna be a brother babe I brought u guys together" I yeled they shut up then "yeah u do that" I snapped 'wow go crystal" amanda mouthed I turned not looking forward to seeing raven I mean yeah I missd him alot but I dont know they walked back "is it u" ayame asked "as i said its elmo gosh" I yelled they grinned hugging me kenzie didnt wanna let go we had fun I enjoyed laughing being bakc "now its time for ur greatest one" kim said "u think she can get through to him" his brother asked "she did 2 years ago" kim said "yeah u got a point but how is she gonna ge- "I learned a few things when I was gone so its gonna be easy" I said changing into what I was comfortable in I looked "why did u grow ur bangs out that way" yuka asked me "dont like it" I asked her "no its amazing" his sister tami said she wasnt one to lie she would tel u like it is i smiled thanking em his brother glared at me "what is ur deal" yuka snarled "she caused him to be this way!" he roared I fumed turning I punched him they wre stunned I Never punched anyone "HEAR THE TRUTH I RAN AWAY CUZ HE KISSED A HAREM GIRL INFRONT OF ME UT HINK THAT WAS FUKCING EASY i IMPRINTED ON HIM AND THEY WILL TEL U IT HURTS TO BE AWAY U WANT TO RI UR HAIR OUT SO IT WASNT EASY ON ME EITHER BUT U NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT SO LAY THERE A WHILE IM SURE U WILL WHEN U GET RUN OVER BY A FUCKIGN CAR!" i yellled they were stunned "lets go" I said coldly utting my shades on "shes changed its not our akiza she was affected by it to" lena whispered to yuka and kim "hm this is it" yuka said I was shocked it was so big then it had this beautiful glass door I looked "u guys go" i said they eyed me "go i got this" I said they nodded I used it I phased in easily I looked around it was dark I walked around it was beautiful though i felt someone grab me and slam me against the wall "who are u" I heard a husky voice say it was also animal "show ur face and ill tell u" I said coldly not up for games he fumed "thats not how it works" he snarled "oh realy guess u can throw me in the dungeon raven-kun" I said his eyes widened "DONT CALL ME THAT" he roared "why not huh ur stupid" I said lokoing away he fumed punching the wall he felt the connection he had pushed it away though "okay I hate the dark"  i said bluntly I turned the lights on he looked at me his breath caught he saw it was me he droped to his knees "crystal" he whispered I looked at him "yeah its me" I whispered softly "why r u here" he asked angry "hm ur hurt" I said my eyes widening he glared at me okay that hurt so badly I wished at that moment I bailed out I mean he doesnt need me "I giess u dont needme nami" I said she walked out the shadows his eyes widened 'dont go" he screamed at me I was shocked I stoped in my tracks "lady akiza I addvise u stay" she whispered I nodded she left instantly knowing we wanted to be alone "whhy not raven huh" I asked he looked down and passed out I had him instantly I brung him up I looked around I tok out the tweezers taking his top off ripping it a bit I took out all the things I looked an explosive tag went off in the shadow ball I sighed in relief "who did this to u" i whispered to myself nearly breaking down I couldnt stand to see him hurt and how he looked at me it was kinda tthe same but it had this angry flare in it i looked treating him he was unconcious I sat there my head in my hands shaking my head I couldnt take the cloak off I wanted to rip myself to peices i mean whats so wrong with that i didnt see he was awake and listening to my thoughts "dont say that why would u think that" he whisepred I looke over "oh ur awake" i whispered hiding my puffy eyes with my shades he looked at me standing up he slowly took em off his eyes widened "u have been crying" he whispered I looked away I looked "why id u leave we coulda worked it out" he whispered I looked "would u like it if someone u- I loked away walking out I went fo the door but it was in lock down "sorry but ur not leaving that easily u two are working it out" his brother said in the shadows I fumed and ran at him I eletrocuted him through the shadows he gasped and stumbled back I stood there highly pissed off I ran out the back door looking for an escape I ran I couldnt get out the spell damn it damn it damn it damn u lena she giggled taking off i banged on it "when I find u im gonna kill u lena" i roared at her she grinned throwing my bags in I caught em sighing "whats going on why cant we get out" he asked "lena and ur brother its on lock down and lena used the spell if we hop the fence we wil only end up back here" I said his eyes widened "how is that- "U have alot to learn about the world out there" I said coldly he ffumed "wheres another bed room" I called he fumed "u to" he asked "naw me to" I said he looked away nodding to one walking back in I walked into it unpacking i went to sleep I woke to see sunlight he scooted away I threw him a necklace he caught it "put it on" i said bluntly he eyed me doing it I shoved him in the sunlight he was stunned I walked into my room "nami" I caled she came out "gime a way out" i said "sorry my lady but I think its best u two work it to I saw how u loked at him when u saw him again U want to be with hm again ur just scared and insecure so u show that cold side that isnt u the peppy fun girl is u u need to regain that and regain him back goodbe lady akiza" she said leaving "nami u better ot fucking leave me" I roared at her she left I kicked a wall my foot went through I was stunned I sighed taking it out i sat in my room soon we got used to it I caught him starring at me like all the time and me him I looked away "why dont u take the cloak off" I asked him at the kitchen table "why dont u take urs off" he asked I fumed roling my eyes and walking upstairs he looked down "work it out u love her" his demon said "SHES SO FUCKIGN STUBBORN!" he yelled in his mind he chuckled "really she reminds me of u ur both insecure and both think that u will hurt each other frankly admit it u stil love her thats why ur always damn starring at her" he thought "shut up" he roared in his mind he chuckled 'that wont work on me raven member who I am" he thought he sighed "I ddont know what to truly i want to be with her but shes so stubborn she wont let her guard down" he thought "break em down urself" he thought he looked down I was sitting on the couch argueing with my demon "U want him admit it" she thought sening it to me "i swear to god one day" I thought "one day what chicka member who I am u cant bring me out honey bear so dont try it u love him u want to be with him again but ur to damn stubborn work it out again" she thought i looked down "bu I dont wanan get hurt" I thought "hey u get hurt but atleast u know when u do get hurt or heartbroken that u have a heart ur not like this ur not ths old serious girl akiza ur fun u gotta work out ur insecurity before u can do anything but u are working it out hell ur done working it out u need to be with that boy do u wanna lose ur chance" she thought "well no" I thought "then go to him or make him come to u u dont know what u have til its gone" she thought I sighed "when did u begin to get so fucking wise on me" I thought she laughed I sighed shutting my book he eyedme I went upstairs he looked down "wonder what sheslike under the cloak" he thought I put on a biknni I was at the pool my feet in looking down cloak off man had I began to grow so beautiful he wandered in his breath caught I looked up from reading my book I looked down lena caled me "so hows it- I did a phone attack one of the many things nami taught me she fell hurt I snickeed hanging up he eyed me curious as to wat I did "lena what hapened" ava asked "she she attacke dme through the phone u guys" she said "no way possable" kat said "we need to push them together" yuka said "how!" ayame asked "hm sex" ava said  bluntly "wtf!" vl yelled "what it works on me and tay" she said "thats cuz u and tay are sex addicts" kat said "am not" she roared 'so are" kami said she blushed "ur stupid u really thnk thatd work only time she gets naked is to look at the moon in the waterfall" nami said walking in "hm wow nami ur creepy" lena said she shrugged "I been with her for 2 years i know her habits" she said "when is that gonna happen we can shove him out in some way" kim said "uh tonight and friday" she said "try it tonight" kim said they agreed back to crystal  I walked out at night undressing I felt calm at ese soon he walked out his eyes widened he hidd he starred at me lust filed his eyes my hair let down floating around me he starred at me in awe I looked under the waterfal now his breath caught at me hewalked inside "I need her I dont know how to tel her" he thought we had been avoiding each other for a while now "hm that didnt work" ava said "wel do u remember what we didd" lena asked they remembered how ava jumpepd in me they grinned I woke up getting a shower I sat there his brother jumped in him "okay I cant keep avoiding u crystal" he said I looked over "what the hell do u mean" i asked him in the kitchen "meaning I want to talk about this" he yelled at me "why do u care about it now" I yeled at him "crystal dont do this to me again dont run' he yelled himself again "why the hell not it worked last time i regret listening to kim" I yeled he fumed I stormed upstairs "take those god damn shirtless men pictures down' he yelled going after me "make me" I yeled at him he fumed "what dont like it!" I snarled "crystal dont push me" he snarled "what u gonna do u aint gonna do shit okay!" I yelled he fumed "crystal take. them. down." he said I fumed "no" I yeled "take em down GOD DAMN IT!" he screamed at me I fufmed "no" i said seethig with anger "TAKE THEM THE FUCK DOWN CRYSTAL THE ONLY SHIRTLESS GUY UR ABLE TO LOOK AT IS ME I TOLD U WHAT ID DO IF ANYTHING GOT BETWEEN US ILL KILL THOSE FUCKING GUYS TO SO TAKE EM DOWN OR IM GONNA KIL THEM AND DONT SAY U CANT RAVEN CUZ WERE TO FAR AWAY I GOT MEN FOR IT SO TAKE EM DOWN" he screamed "wow cocky much and no kil em I dont care" i yelled at him he smirked walking downstairs I looked down he wouldnt hes bluffing I clicked on tmz "this just in the famous famous stil hearthrob emo goy vince has been admitted to the hospital he was supposedy having a heart attack at the yougn age of 17" she said I was stunned I looked vince was on there he smiled then kalin poped up "hes been admitted to another hospital for having to many sleeping pils hes supposedly in a coma" she said I was stunned "kalin" I thought he was trying to kil them all showing me I shot up "what the fuck is ur problem!" i screamed slamming my hand down on the kitchen counter he turned "i told u" he said i fumed "god!" I screamed throwing my hands up walking upstairs slamming my door shut Imma piss him the hel off I put up more pictures of shirtless guys it covered my wals he walked in he fumed I looked at him smirking I passed him he was so pissed off he slammed me against the wall "no dont they wont need it" kat said kim nodded "hm I told u crrystaal" he snarled lowly at me "f u" I yelled at him they looked at kim and kat watch" kim said "hm f me f me babe u wish" he yeled "OH REALY!" i yelled "really" he whispered I coulnt I kissed him he kissed me back all their eyes went wide kat and kim grinned hugely "wow go big bro" yuka said "shut it down now I got a pretty good idea whats gonna happen" lena said they did "they wont" his brother sai "pfft no I have experianced it many shenu girls argue rebell alot pisss the guy off get turned on and start making out with the guy next thing u know u wake up to be naked with the guy" cchristy said "okay are u talking about- she blushed leaving they looked it got so intense I wanted him badly I was curved around him in a dirty way he pulled my leg up it wraped around his waist I pulled away panting he looked at me in shok i looked at him in shock I looked down walking off he looked standing there his bak t the wal I took em down I put em away in shock I layed in bed in victoria secret black satin gown my hair let down my true look showing man i was beautiful he looked "i cant fight this anymore" he whispered he shut my door loud enough to wake me I looked over rubbing my eyes I went to sit up he pinned my hands above me I looked up my eyes met his "what are u do- he kissed me I didnt reject that I kissed him back i roled him over it was my first time that night   nd boy was it amazing I mean it was rough and hard but i got used to it and i began going nuts I loved it I was asleep in his chest him holding me when they let us off lock down the ground shook his heyes snapped open standing up he called his dad "yes I have made up with my imprint dad" he said "hm very good ur mother wants to meet her" he said his eyes widened "I dont know dad we just got back together last night dont u think its to soon" he askd "fine fine" he said I woke up "what is it" I asked him he looked "nothing babe go back to sleep" he said i nodded going back to sleep he smiled picking me up I looked he smile setting me in his bed he got in we went baack to sleep he never knew how to use a gun I promised id teach him I woke up to hea rmy cel ringing I anwsered it tired from our second time "hm who is it" he asked "lena babe" I said "k imma go cook" he whispered i kissed him he kissed me back "they made up" lena mouthed he puled away slowly "were gonna finish later" he whispered "anytime" i said he chuckled walking out zipping his pants up his dad caled "son u must come back down right away i want u to help mepunish them" he said he sighed "okay let me tell crystal" he said he knew my true name it was akiza "fine fine" he said they hung up "so u two made up" lena asked me as he walked in he tooko it "bye" he said hanging up I laughed he chuckled kissing my neck "wat is it" I said "I mut go back down to help dad ppunish ppl" he said "I dont like u kiling ppl" I whispered to him looking up his eyes softened when guards walked in "i dont like it either but it wil take a while knowing dad stay here as u like okay But I wil be back i promise" he said I sighed nodding "guard her with ur lifes if anything and I mean anything one tinsy little scratch is on her I die inside a tiny bit more and if i die inside I get more colder and if that happens Il rip ur fucking throats on u got me" he snarled coldly "y-yes my lord is this girl- "shut up u wil respect her orders also" he said so coldly they flinched "-y-yes sir" he said bowing scared he smirked walking out I watched him leave he looked I smiled he smiled back "hey crystal" his brother yeled i waved to em sighing I walked back in "hm so u two- "shut up and lets go" he said they left yuka called "yeah schools soon" I said "sweet sweet haha like tommrow soon" I said she laughed on the phone "what school u go to" she asked I told her "hey im going there" she said "sweet they go their to oh u gotta meet mina and amy" I said "kk look I gotta go" she said "bye" I said we hung up I got a shower I saw many guards around I looked at em curious "hey hey whats ur name" I said he looked at me "uh jason my lady" he said "hey my best friends bf name is jason huh" I said he looked "wait why did u say me lady or that junk" I said "uh we must respect u my lady u r my lords girlfriend" he said bowing I looked "I dont like it" I said shaking my head his eyes widened "call me crystal" I said with a smile he was stunned "kay" I said they nodded "kay wel im going out" I said they looked hesitatent "ill be with yuka" I said they nodded some followed invisable I was marching and singing in japanease  peppy they loked like wow! he nodded i looked at em "whyd o u guys gotta come I like doing stuff alone" I said he looked "sorry my lady we wil go back" he said "kk have a safe trip" i said grinning he nodded I walked into the garage yuka grinned "ugh took u so long" she said I sighed nodding "those guards followed me their in weird outfits" I said 'guards" yuka asked  "yeah umm I think raven left em before he left me" I said "seems correct I mean u r his imprint any scratch on u he will rip someones head off and he doesnt want u seeing that he thinks ur eyes are to fragile an beautiful for that haha weirdo" kim said I looked shaking my head we ddi band practice I had fun I was jumping on the bed when he called me "hey" i said "hey babe umm im gonna be down here for a long time and I cant cal u im so sorry but il try to see u" he said "hm oh okay" I siad in a sad tone he smiled "ill try I promise u" he said "promise" I asked him he smiled "promise" he said softly his mom looked at his dad he smiled "bye I love u" he said I smiledd "I love u to" I said before we hung up he was happy about me saying it back I mean I truly did I sighed going to bed in his bed hugging his pillow I woke up got a shower ready for the first day a few weeks later I was in lunch talking to the team about plays when a guy taped my shoulder I turnd "this letter is from my lord he says to give it to u and this" he whispered handing me a case I sighed noding "is he gonna be back son"I asked they looked curious "im sorry" he said I sighed "okay go" I said looking down he left "uh whats that' mina asked me "nothing just from uh someone special" I said "who him" ayame asked i nodded "hes been gone for weeks u know" kami said "yeah i know he says he has umm business" I said "whos tthis heee" unis asked I blushed "nobody u guys need to tease me about" I said they laughed I smiled yuka sat beside me her kenzie and ayame saw through the facade I looked opening it in the stands "hm I miss u so much im sorry Im till gone I wish I could be by ur side be able to hold u I love u and this is first of many gifts I warn u" he said I smiled  missing him he anwsered through the bond 'i dont want gifts" I thought "hm u dont huh" he said I giggled "shut up" I thought he chuckled I missed him alot "I miss u so much" I thought "I miss u to babe" he said through his I sighed "hey come on" kami yeled "i gotta go" i thought "okay me to" he thought stabbing someone I sighed letting it go blank I opened the case it was this beautful beautiful necklace I smiled putting on it I walked down "wow nice necklace" jess said I smiled "thanks" I said we practiced I lived my life he would always send me gifts every week when he wouldnt be able to come he would also send me poems I smiled at a recent one on the couch I opened it it was these new prada heels that werent even out i sighed I didnt want these presents I wanted him to lay beside me again to touch me again I needed it badly I sighed standing up I put on the heels in the morning I left parrking i got out "damn nice heels" lauren said I nodded "raven again" kat whispered "yeah another week hes gone" I said she loked "that boy is like  fucking puppy for u" kami said I laughed hitting her "its true" yuka said "omg those arent even out yet" a girl said about my heels i looked at her shrugging I walked inside "their prada" she said they looked "wow isnt she like poor" a girl asked I made ppl think that "no shes a shenu shes filthy rich" a girl said "either way no shenu could get those" a girl said "uh huh I wonder where shes getting al these things from" lauren said "we cant say" ava said "pfft hes so fucking hooked on her she has him wraped around her little finger' kim said "right" yuka said they nodded the next week a gift came I sighed it was nearly spring break oi  I was gonna move back to the mansion I sighed I loved him so much I wish he was here next to me he sent me this new new thing eveyr girl wanted liek badly I sighed putting it on to remind me of him I put on the new prada heels and the newest one that came with it the perfume I put it on sighing I walked down and out I drove to school I got out "omg she has it" lauren whispered about the top and al that "omg she also is wearing the perfume where the hell is she geting this stuff" jess said "yeah hes totally hooked" kenzie said "Im stil shocked its the raven whos hooked on her i mean hes so fucking ccruel" dante said "right but when it comes to akiza its like all of its gone hed do anything for her hell hed die if it would please her" zane said 'hn hes never treated any girl like this hes serious about akiza and wel shes serious about him I understand her pain though" kim said I leaned there "hey guys" i said casually "where hte hell are u getting this stuff!" amanda yelled I looked up "hm its gonna be fine im sure hes gonna come back soon' kami said I nodded we walked inside it was spring break the 3rd week of it I was in his button up shirt my hair in a new do when the door rangi was in the mansion I walked down the guards were who knows where I hadnt seen them at all so I put this on I opened it my eyes widened i shock  it it was.....

TBC I hope ur stll reading!!!!!!!!

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