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DISCLAIMER: Kiiki nor Lyn own the DC Comics franchise, or the characters in this story. We only own the plotline

WARNING: This story contains graphic scenes of torture and gore, sexual references and themes, sexual contact and scenes, explicit language, and possible triggers. Read at your own risk.


"I hate everything, right now." Damian Wayne glared at the hazel-eyed brunette across from him.

"When do you not?" Tim Drake retorted as he glared at his little brother in return.

"Why'd it have to be with you?" Damian groaned, slamming his head on the table between his arms.

"Because the other two are too old to play the part." Tim rolled his eyes. "I'm not any happier with this situation than you are."

"It was a rhetorical question." Damian mumbled, mentally cussing out the dye in his hair and how itchy his eyes were now from wearing contacts.

"Look, let's just try to get through this without killing each other okay?" Tim sighed, just as annoyed as the other for being stuck in this situation.

Damian muttered something unintelligible as he looked up, resting his chin on his arms. "Truce... For now." He mumbled again, closing his eyes.

Tim nodded. "Truce."

The door seemed to have opened on cue while three people walked into the room.

The room was a square shape. Four walls covered in bland beige wallpaper. There were small faded out floral designs where the walls met the ceiling, but it was only visible if you truly looked into detail.

Two women and one man entered. The first woman had short bleached blonde hair to match her kind blue eyes. She was clad in a navy blue jumpsuit and black sandals to match. She lead in two others. The couple both had matching brown hair. The man's looked more like a messy mop in comparison to the woman's long curls. The prior wore a button-up shirt with black trousers while his wife -as noted by the ring on both their fingers- wore a simple orange sundress.

Damian has glanced lazily over toward the trio. Though he didn't look it, the boy was on high alert. Tim glanced over at his brother, making a similar stature to keep up the mask of teenage boredom.

"Drake, Todd, sorry to have kept you both waiting." The social worker smiled sweetly. Her hair bouncing with her steps.

Damian wanted to gag at the name yet kept his lazy persona, forcing his gaze from glaring at his brother. Tim nodded, acting like a nervous little teen.

"This is Seth and Margret, they will be your new parents as of today." She announced, gesturing toward the two behind her.

The two waved as it exposed tattoos on the inside of the man's wrist.

"All the paperwork is in order and they will be taking you to live with them today." She smiled.


"Child trafficking?" Damian Wayne questioned a raise in his eyebrows. He was seated in the BatComputer's main chair, elbow resting on the armrest while his chin leant in his palm. Tim Drake standing beside him.

"Yes," Bruce answered. "There have been ties with this couple to the missing children reports and adoption disappearances." He explained while pulling up a picture of the two in question on the large screen.

"Undercover then?" Tim acquired, already knowing where this was to be led. Bruce nodded.


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