Part Four: The Third Stage

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A/N I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been very busy with school and family stuff. I promise I will try and get an update schedule. I'll post it as soon as I have one.

Levi was basically bouncing off the walls. He couldn't calm down for some reason. Mikasa tried to calm him down. She felt like a mother trying to control her ADH toddler.

"Levi please calm down.” Mikasa said and tried to hold Levi down. Levi started to bite then. He latched onto her skin and got away. He sat down on the floor and grabbed her leg, teething on it. "Ow! Levi. No. Stop it. Let go. No!” She scorned him like a dog. Levi of course didn't listen and started to pull her down to the floor. They landed with a harsh thud.

“Can I have your shirt?” He asked tugging on it. He laughed softly seeing her squirm. He thought it was a game so he bit down on her shirt. "Tasty.” He said ripping some of it. Mikasa squealed and slapped him.

"Do not eat my shirt! Let go of it!” She said getting frustrated and flipped him over only giving him more room to bit and tear her shirt.

"I want it though.” He whinned through his teeth and ripped the front of her shirt. He chewed on it before she ripped it out his mouth.

"Bad.” She said and moved away covering her breasts. She had a bra on but she still felt exposed. Levi sat up and pounced on her.

They went back and forth like this for about an hour before Mikasa locked him in the bathroom. She laid her back against the door as Levi tried to get out. He begged her to let him out. She didn't budge though.

Mikasa has figured out the pattern by now. She just has to hold him off in the bathroom until the hour was up and he would be back to normal, she hoped. She watched the clock as it struck three am. She stood up and was about to open the door before hearing heavy breathing and constantly slamming on the door.

Drunk Levi - Rivamika Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now