CHAPTER 15: I Swear That Everything Will be Just Fine

Start from the beginning

"Bitch is you crying"

"No I'm sweating it's hot as a mother fucker" she said

"Well we all gotta go downstairs and turn on the power then" I said

"Hell no" they all said together

"Let's go next door" Cashmere said

All the boys from the team  where there and I know we were never going to get any sleep. But it was hot and I was sweating more and more by the minute.

"Pleaseeeeee" they begged

"Fine, get my air mattress it's upstairs in my closet" I said

Julian's room has the best central air and he has the best AC. I texted mrs Bolwes and told her but she said she's on a cruise so she didn't care.

We got to the door and Ayo answered.

"Our power went out your mom said we could spend the night since it's hot we'll be in Julian's room" I explained, he let us in

I showed them to his room and we waited for the air mattress to blow up. I went back downstairs to heat up my hot pocket again.

Chance, Zay and Daniel was in there dancing, I ignored them went to the microwave.

"Hey watch it" Chance said slapping my butt playfully, I slapped him on the arm

"Don't" I say in the Bryson Tiller

I finished making me my hot pocket and went upstairs and ate it while watching YouTube. I instantly fell asleep next to Cassie and Asia. Image five girls on one king size air mattress.

I woke up this morning on the floor, all of us were on the floor except Asia. I want mad I just wanted to get back on and fall back to sleep. Then my stupid alarm goes off for me to wake up and Imoni and Olivia texting me to wake up.

I went to house and the lights were on, I left the girls there cause they're all not morning people. I got in my car and picked up them, we drive back to my house.

We started get to hairs, I wanted to leave mine curly. So i got in the shower and washed it when I got out I tied it in a bun and dried my body.

I had to wait for Olivia to pick up our outfit's from our couch. I derived to blow dry my hair in the process of waiting.

I went back in the bathroom and turned on my Ihome speaker.

"Said all I want from you is to see you tomorrow, and every tomorrow maybe your let me borrow you heart
And is it to much to ask for every Sunday, and while we're at it throw in every other day to start
I know people make promises all the time then they turn right around and break them......" I sang

By that time I was done and I couldn't believe that my hair was this cute wavy style instead of a  curly, puffy ball of nap, like always.

I went back in my room and my clothes were sitting on my bed. It was light blue jean with big holes in the thighs, a light blue jersey and some blue jordans.


Everybody was waiting for the girls to come, Leyla couldn't dance cause she's pregnant so they got some girl named Olivia.

"Oh my god" Ayo said as Ny'Ome's car finally pulled up.

They came out in sweat suits, and we were all dressed. I was relieved they had duffle bags and they're hair were done.




"Mateo please put your hand closer to her torso" my dance team said, I moved my hand closer

"I know you mad at me but if you drop me imma kill you" Ny'Ome said I smirked at that comment

"Don't worry..........I will" I laughed

"From the top let's go" the cheer teacher yelled, she stay yelled

It was fifteen more minutes till show time and everybody was nervous, I mean sweating and all.

The girls left to get dressed and we continued without them. Everybody was laughing and playing around and laughing.

"Aye y'all better not embarrass us and yourself, we got talent recruiters all around here for you guys" my couch says

The girls walk in all dressed, but of course Ny'Ome looked the best. Her hair fell down her back all wavy.

"Y'all ladies look great" the cheer coach said

They blushed and talked.

"LETS GET IT"  We yelled

We jumped on stage and the crowd was livid, me and Ny'Ome started off as planned. Then everyone else joined, most of the boys didn't have a girl partner.

We killed it and everybody started walking off the stage but I looked at Chance and Ayo they shook there heads but I still pointed to the DJ, he play oui. I started dancing then Ayo and squad started to jump in to, Ny'Ome joined too, the crowd was lit asl.

We finished and walked off my dance teacher was proud but you could see the anger in the cheer coaches eyes. We got backstage and Ny'Ome was scared.

"NY'OME REALLY I WOULD'VE NEVER THOUGHT ONE OF MY BEST DAN-" she started but she was cut off


She was shocked and just put it to the side. The door swung open and people with cameras instantly toke a thousand pictures. A man came and shut the door in there faces.

"Hello my name is Morrison I'm a talent recruiter, may please have a word with the people who danced at the end"

We all walked slowly to him, bottom line he wanted to be our manager and he said we would get to go on tour and all types of stuff. He would book us everywhere, make our names big.

"Hell yeah" we answered when he asked us.

Ayo, Zay and Zavi sighed the paper with no hesitation. Me and Ny'Ome were still to young so we needed a parent or guardian to sign us in.

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I really can't believe my mom is letting me do this. The only thing is my cousin's have to come and I do really care about that.

I can thank Teo's mom she convinced my mom about all the future possibilities and she said she would watch the house.

It was 12:00 and I was still livid. I just got out the shower when my phone went off.

Mateo                  12:04
I'm so proud of you

Ny ny                12:04
Does this mean your not mad at me anymore

Mateo               12:05
That depends open your window

I look at out nearest window and he was stand up waiting for me to open it. When I did he nearly fell in

"Where's your shoes" I said looking and he had socks on.

"At home" he said laying down

"So are we cool"

"Yeah I just felt some type of way when you started dating Angel" he explained putting his hands behind his head

"How you think I felt when you started dating Jade?"

"You didn't talk to me till like after spring break"

"Cause I was crushed"

"Now you know how I feel"

He pulled something out of his pocket

"You smoke" he asked

I spoke my head no

"Well imma get you high today" he said and I laughed

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