A Situation in the Training Building -5-

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A Situation in the Training Building





(Michael's POV)


I clenched and unclenched my fists in anger as I stormed into the building. She didn't understand! No one understood! How could they? No one else had to depend on their cousin for support whilst their father was out getting beaten and their mother getting so drunk she passed out! No, no one felt this pain, besides Sylvia. It was one of the three things we had in common, the other two being: A. Harvesting fruits from the dangerous trees; and B. Liking Rashelle.

Rashelle... I nearly broke down right there in the lobby at what had happened between us. Wouldn't the Capitol have just loved that. Anyways, I hadn't meant for it to go down that way... I had accidentally blurted what was on my mind. And look where it got me!

I urged my feet to move on towards the elevator. My hand moved to press the small circular button and I watched the meter at the top move from twelve to one. I slowly entered the small carrier and stared at the floor buttons. I couldn't go to my floor, or any of the other Districts', so that left... The basement; also known as the training area.I selected that one and waited impatiently as I was lowered a story. The elevator doors slid open and I found myself in the middle of dozens of Capitol people buzzing around the room, finishing the preparations for tomorrow morning. I took a step forward to allow the elevator to close. Unfortunately, I tripped on the rug in front of it in the process and nearly fell on my face. My hands whipped up to catch me instead. I grunted and stood up as I brushed myself off. Someone cleared there throat in front of me. I froze, my hands hovering over my chest. Crap, I thought. I'm not supposed to be here!

My head turned up at an agonizingly slow speed. A woman stood before me tapping her foot, arms crossed with a duster in one hand. She wore a white tank top with a gray cardigan over it, and a short black pencil skirt. A surprisingly normal outfit from someone from the Capitol.

I smiled sheepishly at her and rubbed the back of my neck, hoping she wouldn't get me into too much trouble.

"Young man, as I'm sure you're aware, training does not begin until tomorrow morning. Until then, this level is off-limits to all tributes," she said, scowling slightly at me. I nodded and turned back towards the elevator. She caught my shoulder as I stepped inside. "Don't let them catch you down here again. You're lucky it was me this time, the others aren't so lenient." I nodded again and she released me, leaving the elevator to close. Just before the doors slid shut, I caught a glimpse of her hair bobbing as she walked away. Her sea-green hair was separated into eight parts, each part molded into the body and head of a snake. That was more of the Capitol experience I expected.


I ran my hand through my hair. What else could go wrong today? I decided I had no other choice, then reluctantly pressed the 11 button. If I ran into Ras, I would just have to deal with it.


The elevator slowed and came to a stop. The doors opened and I stepped out after cautiously looking around the corner. I walked a short distance before finding a door with a blue 11 on it. My guess was blue was for boy (AKA me), so I opened the door. What do I find? A passed out Rashelle! A brief memory of my mother lying passed out on her bed flashed into my mind before I pushed it away.

"Great, just great," I muttered, then quickly shut the door. A few feet away was a door with a pink 11. It would have to do. I entered the room and sat on a couch off to the side. My eyes found a clock on the wall opposite of myself. Seven pm. I leaned back and closed my eyes. A short nap couldn't hurt, could it?



Hey, guys! Sorry for taking so long D: I know it's been a few months, don't hate me!! My life's been kinda hectic lately, getting braces and all (which isn't even half of an explanation). Anyways, here it is... Sorry it's really short!  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2012 ⏰

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