these dreams

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"Mommy? You okay?"


"I'm okay baby."

Whisper took a deep breath.

"We had no idea.

Angelita. Deark. They somehow snuck through."

Whisper was shaking her head.

"Not one of us even noticed. I guess it was just supposed to be."


"Well, at least, in the long run, things did work out."


"Well," Whisper sighed.

"Things happened as they were supposed to happen."

A tear came to her eye.

"But a lot of good people suffered because of it."


"Mommy, I am sorry."

Serenity jumped up and went to her mother, hugging her.

"I didn't mean to bring back bad memories."


Whisper kissed her cheek.

"The memories are not that old, baby, butttttt ...

things did work out and now."


Serenity kissed her mother on the forehead.

"Now, we are all together and there is peace, Mommy."


Whisper shrugged.

"A little boring at times, but ...

so beautiful."


"Exactly my point," Serenity chirped, excitedly.

"It does tend to get a little boring at times, especially for us that are younger."


Whisper rolled her eyes.

"So, it is okay for us old timers, eh?"


Serenity sat down and took her mother's hands in hers.

"That is not what I meant, Mommy."


Whisper patted her daughter's hands.

"I know, baby."


"But ...

I never went to school, Mom.

I never did anything that a normal teenage girl would do and ...



"You want to experience some of those things before you get married?"


Serenity nodded.

"Its not that I don't love Skye, because I do, but I just feel ..."


"You aren't ready to get married."


Serenity took a deep breath.

"No, not yet.

I still want to marry Skye and I will marry him. I feel that deep in my heart, like you must have always felt for Daddy, but ..."

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