Chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

Chase was terrified. First Selena lied to him about being bullied, then Amethyst slapped her, and now she was missing. As soon as he found Amethyst's latest note, he told Mr. Davenport that he might know where Selena was and Mr. Davenport had taken Adam and Chase in his helicopter to the island. After they landed, Chase was able to track Selena's GPS signal and when they found her, she was soaked in blood. Chase ran to her and yelled her name. Mr. Davenport ran over and checked her pulse, silently hoping she was still alive.

"How is she?" Chase asked, worry evident in his voice.

"We have to get her to the academy. Fast. Adam, pick her up and put her in the helicopter." Mr. Davenport instructed, "And please, be gentle"

Adam nodded and picked her up. Chase was following behind to make sure that Adam didn't accidentally injure her any more. Adam softly set her down on the bed they had set up in the helicopter a couple of years ago and they had never taken it out. Adam climbed to the front while Chase was desperately trying to save his girlfriend's life. He had done everything he could and he sat down with her hand in his.

"Selena, when I find out who did this to you, they will be sorry, all you have to do is tell me who." Chase whispered quietly, tears starting to form in his eyes. He wasn't crying because he was sad, no, he was crying because he couldn't believe this had happened. He knew who did do it but he wanted Selena to tell him so that way she wouldn't find out that he had spied on her. He kissed her forehead and sat down.

"Chase, how is she?" Mr. Davenport asked.

"Same." Chase said.

"There are some bandages in the drawer, bandage her wounds so she doesn't lose any more blood." Mr. Davenport said.

Chase pulled out the bandages and wrapped them around her thigh. She groaned a little bit, but didn't wake up.

"Mr. Davenport? What do you want me to do about her chest?" Chase asked.

Wrap it up the best you can and apply some pressure, we're almost back to the academy." Mr. Davenport said.

"Ok." Chase said. He wrapped up Selena's chest and put both his hands on her wound. She hissed but didn't wake up. Then the helicopter landed and Mr. Davenport came to the back with Adam. Adam gently picked her up and he and Mr. Davenport went to the infirmary. Chase went back to his room. He couldn't stand to see her like this, he picked up something. The picture that Selena had given him for their 6 month anniversary. They were smiling and Adam was behind them, grinning like a idiot. Then he picked up the picture of him, Adam, Bree, Leo, Davenport, Tasha and Selena. That was the day they announced that Selena was officially a mentor. Then he picked up the picture they had taken at Selena's birthday party, in L.A., with her dad and Jason. The picture was Selena smiling and Chase had snuck up on her and jumped on her. He picked up the one where he, Jason and Selena had gotten in a food fight and they all had cupcake on their clothes and in their hair. The final picture of that night, Chase had kissed her and Selena's dad decided that it was a memory that needed to be remembered. They had all changed since Selena had came into their lives, Bree thought of her as a sister, Adam was more gentle, Leo was happier because he finally had a gaming friend that he could talk to 24/7 and Chase? Chase had changed the most, he wasn't a huge stick in the mud anymore (as said by his siblings), he didn't flash his smarts all the time, just most of the time and he now had a new side, a side that wasn't super nerdy. It was a side that Bree liked. And he knew that Bree wasn't hard to please, but she had always teased him about being smart though she didn't do that very much anymore. As he was looking at the pictures, Adam came in the room. Chase ditched the pictures and ran over to Adam.

"How is she?" Chase asked.

"She's in surgery, her thigh and her chest wounds are really bad. Mr. Davenport said that we'll know more when she gets out of surgery and awake." Adam answered.

Chase couldn't hold it in anymore, he started crying into his older brother's shoulder. Adam put his arms around his little brother and pulled Chase closer.

"What if she doesn't make it?" Chase asked in between sobs.

"Hey, Selena is a fighter, she'll make it, I promise." Adam said, trying to cheer his younger brother up.

"You can't promise that." Chase said, still crying, "It's not nice to make promises you can't keep"

"Well, I highly doubt that she'll die." Adam said, holding onto his little brother.

He loved him, even though Adam had tossed Chase around and made fun of him, he was still his little brother.

Flashback . . .

It was the middle of the night—about midnight— when Adam awoke and saw his little brother crying in his capsule. His sister was still asleep and Mr. Davenport was in the mysterious upstairs, where they were never allowed to go. Adam opened his little brother's capsule, picked him up—he was really strong so he could easily pick him up. Not to mention, his little Chasey was light, lighter than Bree almost— and gently set his little brother on the ground.

"Chasey? Why are you crying?" Adam asked, worriedly.

"I heard a big boom and it hurt my ears." Chase said.

Then a clap of thunder sounded and Chase started crying in his brother's shirt.

"Hey, Chasey, it's gonna be ok, I promise." Adam said.

"Really?" Chase asked.

"Yeah. How about I stay up with you until the noises stop, will that be ok?" Adam asked.

"Yeah." Chase sniffed.

Adam got Chase's stuffed bunny out of his capsule and handed it to him.

"Thank you Adam." Chase said.

Then there was another clap of thunder and Chase screamed.

"Shh. It'll be ok, Chasey." Adam said.

Adam picked him up like a little baby and rocked him back and forth until he fell asleep on Adam's lap. Adam had then picked him up and put him in his capsule, and he went back to his and closed the door.

End of flashback.

Cute brotherly moments! :)
Over and out.

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