Chapter 2

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The next day, Harry had received his timetable and was checking the schedule.
History of Magic 9:00
Double Potions 11:00
Lunch 1:00
Transfiguration 2:00
Charms 4:00
Dinner 6:00
Herbology 7:00
Harry sighed unhappily. He would give anything to switch out History of Magic with Defense and the Dark Arts, as he once overheard his father talking about how Professor Binns should be kicked out as a teacher, and how he couldn't wait to see Will in Gryffindor, carrying out all those Maruader pranks he didn't get to do.
History of Magic was as boring as expected. Harry toke notes, but every so often would drift off into anger about being shunted aside as the second best and satisfaction that William Potter did not make it into his house, Gryffindor, that he had been hoping for.
Double Potions with Slytherins was uneventful as well... Except for the fact that the teacher seemed to hate both Harry and William, even though their personalities were total opposites. Professor Snape had interrogated William about his knowledge of Potions, and called him an arrogent good for nothing idiot who benefited off his fame for success, while he actually was a stupid person who knew nothing. Harry was especially pleased with that super long insult.
Harry had brewed his potion perfectly, but as he turned in a vial, he saw that William had not. His potion was blue, instead of the yellowish green that they were supposed to have achieved. William must've forgot the salamander blood and the unicorn horn. And possibly the hellebore, by the looks of it.
"Zero, Mr. Potter." Snape hissed at Will.
This day was going great for Harry.

Lunch was very uneventful at first. There was a quiet chatter, and everyone was eating their food, relishing the delicious taste of their chicken pot pie, and taking a swig of iced pumpkin juice every so often. Then suddenly there was a crash.

Harry looked up to see all the Slytherin's goblets tipping over as William Potter stood up. He yelled "I'm the Boy Who Lived, Malfoy, I defeated your father's boss! Stop ignoring me you wart! I AM THE BOY WHO LIVED. I SAVED YOU ALL!" He screamed as the other houses glared at him.
"No you didn't." Harry whispered quietly. A redhead sitting next to him heard his whisper.
"So he's a fake?" The redhead asked.
"There was a mistake that night," Harry explained shortly, as he was hungry and wanted to eat in peace.

Tranfiguration was...interesting. Harry managed to do the assignment, and got Professor McGonagall to praise him loudly in front of the class, along with a girl called Hermione. Harry, who had never been praised before, stood there in shock, then smiled. He had a feeling he'd like Transfiguration.

In Charms, he was paired up with the girl named Hermione.
"Hi Hermione!" Harry waved. Hermione grinned at him.
Professor Flitwick was soon praising them as the "dream team" after they had both managed to pull off the spell perfectly. Once again, Harry left the class beaming, with Hermione as a new friend. The redhead was looking at them hopefully, so Harry greeted him.
"Hi there! What's your name?"
"I'm Ron, and you are..."
"Harry. Harry Potter. And this is my friend Hermione Granger, do you want to join our friend group?"
Hermione had said the last part with him, now she turned around and giggled "Jinx!"
"Huh?" Ron asked.
"It's just a muggle thing," she explained.
"You're a muggle born then?"
Hermione stiffened. "Yes, but no one cares, right?"
Ron shook his head. "I don't care, but the former death eaters do. And a lot of the Slytherins."
Hermione seemed nervous at the thought of Slytherins chasing after her for being muggle born. A long silence started.
"Erm... It's dinner time..." Harry started awkwardly to break the tension.
Ron practically sprinted down the hallway, with Harry jogging and Hermione shouting "It's not safe to run so fast in the hallways, it's really crowded!" then giving up and running to keep up.

Dinner was much more fun with two friends by his side. Harry chatted with Hermione and Ron, and promised to help Ron with his homework. Hermione agreed to sharing her notes with him, but looked rather disapproving as Ron clapped his hands together and yelled "BRILLIANT!"
Herbology was the only class after dinner. Luckily the greenhouse was enchanted to stay lit even when it's dark outside, like it was a sunny day. Harry, Hermione and Ron were assigned to repot some honking daffodils, and they were first to finish, earning 10 points to Gryffindor for going so fast without messing up.
After Herbology, Harry decided to set to work on his Transfiguration, Charms, and Herbology homework, finishing at ten. He put his homework away in his bag, then walked to the boys dormitories to get ready for bed. Ron and another boy named Dean were already snoring away, a boy called Neville was reading a Herbology textbook and frantically writing the answers on a sheet of parchment.
Harry brushed his teeth and changed into his maroon and gold pajamas that he had for two years, then fell into bed.
He was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

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