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[Birds eye view of central London as dramatic music with soft beats plays. Cut to slow moving pan of models walking across the screen at Fashion Week. Cut to Remington Ricci adjusting suit. Cut to logo of RR. Cut to pan shot of row of sewing machines. Cut to montage of contestants. Fade to over the shoulder shot of Remington Ricci looking into the mirror. Camera fades out to judges, Remington Ricci, Winona Covington, Bobbi Amos and Uma Thompson standing with arms crossed. Title of show, Stitched Up, appears. Fade to white.]


[Camera slowly moves forward from the front doors of RR's fashion headquarters to the reception desk, a ginger sits on the phone. Quick zoom down corridors, slowing on centre shot of Remington Ricci's office. Door swings open. Remington Ricci sits at his desk.]

Remington: Each summer I hold a competition to give young up and coming talent the chance to work for me and showcase their skills. This year, marking its tenth anniversary, I've agreed to let it be filmed and for viewers to watch at home. [Standing up and walking around the desk] The question is have they got what it takes.

[Editors cut:

Remington crosses his arms over his chest, eyes narrowed, "I think you could have tried a bit harder to not focus on my receding hairline." [A murmur in the back. Remington scoffs.] "Rude."]

[Camera turns left, where a noticeboard with eight polaroid pictures are pinned.]

Voiceover: Applicants poured in far and wide across the UK, but powerhouse Remington Ricci narrowed it down to the top eight. With a mentor by their side, they'll be put to the test to see if they can cut it working for RR.

[Editors cut:

Voiceover person, Lee, scowls down at the script. "Powerhouse? God, could this get anymore heavy handed?" [A reply is given] "No, I'm not quitting." [Voice lowering] "The pay is actually . . . really good."]

[Camera zooms in on first polaroid, quickly becoming animated as the clip links. A blonde black girl begins grinning at the camera. The name Giselle appears.]

Giselle: Hi, I'm Giselle! I'm twenty two and from London. Being here is an amazing opportunity that I'm glad to be a part of. My fashion influences are definitely Piper Williams and Veronica Kosovo. I dropped out of university in the first term when I realised I wasn't doing a course I was particularly interested in. I'm here to win, and I'm here to make a name of myself.

[Camera zooms out, quickly flitting to the next contestant.]

Lex: Fashion has always been how I've expressed myself. It's non-conforming in the same way that I am, so having this platform to share my stuff is all I could have asked for. I'm almost thirty—so I reckon a lot of these new kids won't even know what they're doing.

Interviewer (off screen): Do you think you can win?

Lex, in thought: If I didn't trust myself and what I'm capable of, why would I be here?

[Camera fades to next contestant.]

Marissa: I'm Marissa Cole and nineteen years old! I grew up in Bradford. I've been making dresses since I was a child [Camera cuts to home photos of Marissa at a sewing machine] and still love it as much as I did then. I think I'm the youngest person here, but I'm not going to let that stop me from doing my best.

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