smolsmolsmol art style rant ok

116 17 26

i have probably a pretty unique art style ig

i mean

i hate the idea of stealing different parts from other people so i develop it myself


you dont know how unhappy i am when one of my friends is like "wow ive never seen anyone draw eyes/noses/ears like you do, which artist did you take it from?"

i try really hard not to copy peoples style (i didn't know about blurryghosts when i started the ear thing ok I know what it looks like)

i just hate copying in general???

i mean i dont care if other people "copy" a style bc whatever thats their choice but like

i hate when people accuse me of being unoriginal or something (bc ill specify if i used someone elses idea)

djkdkdkfks this friend makes me so angry sometimes shes honestly the source of almost all of my art rants fjjdkskdjs

what do you guys think is what defines my style the most? whats the most unique thing about it?

what do you hate about my style?

what do u like about my style?

thanks for the input im going to sleep b y e

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