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Writer’s POV


Jessica screams at the girl who just bumped into her causing her belongings to spread all over the floor. The girl helps Jessica to collect the latter’s belongings.

“Where do you put your eyes?”

It’s so obvious that Jessica is angry.

“I’m sorry. I am in a hurry so I run all the way here. I didn’t notice that you were standing there Jessica-sshi.”

The bumper kindly apologizes and bows her head. She gives Jessica the last thing she collected from the floor. It’s Jessica’s handkerchief. To this girl’s surprise, Jessica doesn’t even look at her and just walks.

“Jessica-sshi… you forget this. Hey… Jessica-sshi!”

The girl keeps calling Jessica’s name and of course it becomes very annoying for Jessica. She turns her walking body around to face the girl. Everyone around them are watching what’s going on now and waiting what’s going to happen next.

It’s very rare to see the cold Jessica having some conversation with stranger and that’s why it becomes interesting to watch.

“What’s your name?”

Jessica asks the girl coldly.

“Yuri… Kwon Yuri.”

Jessica who is a bit shorter than Yuri then starts attacking.

“Kwon Yuri-sshi, first of all, I don’t like being bumped and you just bumped into me like I am unseen! Secondly, how dare you return that handkerchief when it’s so obvious that you just made it dirty? How can I use that handkerchief if it already fell on the floor?”

Jessica inhales some air before continuing.

“Lastly… Don’t call my name like we’re close or something. I don’t even know you and I wonder how come you know my name but please… just go away from my sight right now.”

Jessica quickly turns her body again and leaves Yuri who is hopelessly holding the handkerchief and staring at the walking figure.

“Who won’t know you? You are the president’s daughter after all.”

She says to herself.

Yuri then remembers that she’s in the middle of something. She was running for her class before. She was running because she is almost late. She then takes a peek at her watch and right now is 7:05 am and then she concludes that she is late already. It’s no way she will make the class. The class starts 5 minutes ago and her professor won’t let her in. 

“Aishhh… great! I’m already late in the first day of college. What should I do know?!”

Without realizing it, she lifts her head again to look for Jessica and she still can see her. The figure is getting smaller and smaller. She mumbles some words before deciding to go to the swimming club’s room which is not really far from where she is right now.

“Anyhow, it seems hard to befriend with popular students like her.”

Tiffany’s POV

“Good morning Fany.”

“Hey, good morning oppa!” I reply.

“Fany-ah… morning.”

“Yah… morning to you too! How’s your summer?” I reply again with my bright smile.

“Tiffany-unnie, good morning.”

“Hey there, good morning dear. Have a nice day!” Again, I reply as bubbly as possible.

“Fany-noona… morning!”

“Kyungsan-ah… morning!” Still with my eye-smile, I reply that greeting.

When will it stop God? I’m tired of faking my smile. Seriously, can they just let me walking in peace? I don’t need these whole greetings.


Again? Another one? I turn my head to find that actually it’s Kyuhyun.

“Ah, it’s you Cho Kyuhyun. How’s your holiday?” I ask him. He is one of those few people whom I am actually close with. We live at the same neighborhood though and that’s why we know each other. We’re not that close actually but if I have a problem in campus, he will be probably the first person I’m looking for some help.

“So-so, nothing special.” He answers me.

“Where are you going now?” I ask him again and that triggers such you-must-be-crazy-to-ask-me-that-question look on his face.

“Yah… are you an idiot or what? Aren’t you the one asking me to take this Reverse Psychology class together with you?!” He annoyingly explains.

Omona… he is so right. I’m on my way to my Reverse Psychology class and last semester I had asked him to join the class with me. Well the reason is, all of my other friends don’t want to take this class. I don’t like being alone in the class. 

I mean, I don’t like it when from the beginning I don’t have any friends there. That’s troublesome for me. That’s a problem. Thus, as what I said before, when problem occurs then Kyuhyun will be the answer. Somehow, I managed to convince him that a student majoring Laws needs to study Reverse Psychology thanks to my ability to talk and influence others.

“Ah neh neh, sorry Kyu. I’m just kidding though! Kekeke. Of course I know that you are going to the class. So, should we go together then?” I lie to him and I think he buys my lie.

“Whatever. Just don’t forget to buy me the latest game as what you promised me before.” He answers and then continues walking to the classroom direction.

Aishh, I completely forget that buying him the latest game is the thing that makes me success to persuade him taking this class. I guess that I need to buy that game right after the class.

Hyukjae’s POV

It’s just the same old brand new day. There is nothing interesting in college. I am walking down to my first class in the first day of college after the summer holiday.


I look for the source of the voice calling my name and there I find him running from my back.

“Hae… it’s impossible!” I just suddenly say this sentence.

“Eh??? What do you mean?” He asks me.

“It’s impossible to see you in campus this early Hae. It’s still 9:00 am in the morning. Moreover, it’s the first college day after the summer break. Am I still dreaming?” I reply.

“No you’re not Hyukkie! You’re not dreaming and shouldn’t you be happy when your dear friend finally realize that education is important for his life?!” He replies again.

“As if what you just said true Hae… I don’t believe that realizing education is important will be the reason for you to be here this early.” I tell him while both of us turn to the left to enter the long corridor. 

All of a sudden, I feel like there are eyes everywhere staring at me. Wait… staring at me? It’s ridiculous. There is no way people will waste their time to look at me. It’s of course because I’m walking with Lee Donghae. Aishhh… how come I forget that he is the gorgeous and famous Lee Donghae.

“Hahaha, yah, you really know me so well Hyukkie!” I can hear Donghae admitting that he undeniably has another reason to show up in the campus today. However, that’s not my concern right now, I observe our left side and right side to only find almost all of the students, girls and probably boys, are really staring at us. I can’t help but to blush.

What’s this? What kind of attention is this? Aishhh… it’s really uncomfortable for me. I really don’t like this kind of attention.

“Neh Hae…” I call his name.

“Eh? Why?” He replies coolly.

“People are staring at us… could you please walking in front of me instead? Just go first. I’ll follow you from behind! I’ll see you in the class! Ok?” I whisper to him.

“But what’s wrong with that? It’s not our fault if they are staring at us, isn’t it?” Donghae argues me.

“Please…” I can only beg.

“Fine then… See you!” Then he walks and leaves me while I’m pretending to repair my shoelaces.

Fiuh… I’m relieved that the stares are only following Hae’s movement. These people completely ignore me right now but I like it this way.

I continue walking with Hae is in front of me. Upon entering the class, Hae stops by in front of the board near the classroom of our Reverse Psychology course. He looks at the paper that is taped on the board. I walk faster to see what he is seeing. I join him reading the announcement.


Kindly be informed that Prof. Jang Dong Gun
will be absent for the entire semester and
thus students from his Reverse Psychology
class will be sent to Prof. Song Hye Kyo’s class.

Ahh.. it’s not important for me so I continue walking to enter the class but then I notice how Donghae smirks.

“What’s that smirking for Hae?” I ask him.

“I won’t tell you now Hyukkie. No… not now. But if you are really curious, then I’ll tell you something. I had heard about this joint class yesterday and that’s why I come to this morning class. There’s something interesting inside Hyukkie.”

That absolutely doesn’t answer my question but I don’t really care actually. He will tell me someday no matter what.

“Whatever!” I give him a short reply and then enter the class. He follows me after that.

As I look around the people inside the class, I slightly understand what Hae’s smirk means.

In this class, I can see these three particular girls. I don’t know how but I guess Hae already got the list of the students who taking this course.

However, I still can’t figure it out. Who is Hae’s next target? Im Yoona? Jessica Jung? or Tiffany Hwang? These three popular girls are still unreachable for Hae but I know he is just waiting for the right moment and it seems like now is the right time for him to court one of these girls.

However, I wish that it’s not the girl I’m in love with. Yeah, I’m in love with someone actually. Even Hae, my only best friend, doesn’t know that I’m in love with one of those three girls.

“Hae… I think I get what’s your point just right now.” I tell him when both of us finally sit on our chairs.

“You’re smart Hyukkie… kekeke. I really can never deceive you.” He smirks again.

“B-But Hae… I need to tell you something actually.” I hesitate.

“What? Spill it then.” He demands for my elaboration.

“Actually, I… I…” I try to say that he better doesn’t mess with the girl I’m in love with.

The words are in the edge of my tongue but why can’t I translate them into my voice? Why does it look like forever for me to say this to Hae?

Hae’s face is showing that he’s very curious and waiting for my elaboration. I become more and more nervous to realize it.


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