The school

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  " Maris come down from the stairs you are gonna get hurt if you continue with that"

"well you see  I just don't care if I get hurt.....don't you know that I am a vampier???.."

"what Maris ??? you  believe in that  ???.."


Maris is now yelling at  me with a very loud voice that rang all the way from the balcony upstairs to down here  at the garden ,

well what can i say the kid is a dreamer, but yeah ,who can blame him he is just 8 ,even i like to dream about vampires werewolves witches and all those supernatural creatures once in a while like how could the world be if those things were actually real? at what situation would i be right now or better yet would i be a vampire or a werewolf a hybrid even better a witch , but the fact states that they are not true so instead of getting my hopes up and be disappointed latter i would rather stick to the facts.

Today is my first day is my first day at Fordham high, can not say that i am not nervous about it, because I actually am, to say the least very ,supper nervous well who wouldn't be ?if you just look into my situation and you will see there is no reason what so ever to blame me for being this nervous ,I am an African girl fresh from Tanzania, its my first time to be in America and the aunt that I am staying with is just a long time friend of my mum, so in deep artifacts I am kinda alone . Well she has a catchy name 'Beatrice' aint that bad even for her kid .

         Never the less, today Beatrice is taking me to school, well i guess that's for today only , I don't know much about her ,although she looks a bit  weird that gives me not a very good  feeling about her,and  that she is just pretending to be nice but she is a b*tch in reality, or maybe Iam just being paranoid for nothing .Oh well to find that out i wont be sticking here for long though.

      We are currently  in front of the collage's gates there is this weird looking guy in uniform  I am guessing he is some sort of security or something,  that and the fact that he just asked for our ID's from Beatrice' which she takes out from a sort of cabinet besides the stiring wheel and gives him then he allows us to pass.      well for a 'normal collage' like how 'Beatrice' says it, this is freeking huge, I mean I would really want to see the expensive ones if this one was just normal, I couldn't help my self but gasp at the sight of it , it was just O.M.G,I mean the landscapes are vast, the buildings well they are just something ales  who would want to go away from this place ,? it was sooo awe,,.    well I didn't relies that i was staring at the school with my mouth wide open until Beatrice threw a mint or kept it in there because I never realised until it was in my mouth ,                                  "hey girl stop staring and lets get going " she told me while laughing at me I cant blame her I mean I bet I was a very funny sight to watch.                                                                                                               With that we went inside the school, if I ever said that the school by outside is beautiful, well i am taking all that back now, the interior......., of the school was another thing that left me gwaking, " wooohw" was the only thing I could say at the moment, breath taking was the expression that i could wear,  thinking of just chicken wing and you get a whole roasted turkey insted, that was unimaginable, i never realised i wasn't breathing until Beatrice yanked my arm ,                                              

"well sweetheart at this rate you would be staring at everything that you will get lost love?"                   "well I am sorry beat but the place......... its .......that ... i never thought I would  live long enough  to experience all this .??!!!!...... i mean its so breath taking"                                                       "well okey i get your point ... and i liked that..."                                                                                                                "liked what???"                                                                                                                                                                                     "Beat!!!!!"                                                                                                                                                                   " ooh that" well i didn't know that i called her that up to now that i am recalling everything that i said to her , but you gotta hand it to me it dose sound cool rather than Beatrice"                           " lets get the principle so i could go back home and take Maris also to his new day care center,....... oh i just hope we won't be long because you know Sara and Maris do not get along very well "                                                                                                                                                                                               "yap that's true...... but if you don't mind me asking beat ?,"                                                                                                "  yeah sure go ahead and ask"                                                                                                                        "what is Sara's ordeal with Maris I mean Maris is just a kid and ....... how could she hate him??"                                                                                                                                                                                             "well my dear as much as i would love to know what is it with her and kids, the only thing  i am sure of is that whatever it is, it 's not pretty"                                                                                                                                                 "mmmmhmmh"  

"well girl lets get in to the principles office..... shall we??..."                                                                                     "yap lets do this"

Beat and I got inside the principles office,  for one person, he or she sure dose know how to sit in an office.                                                                                                                                                                                      "welcome Miss.Daud"                                                                                                                                                           "why thank you Mrs.Darpha "                                                                                                                                              "please have a seat"                                                                                                                                                                  "thanks"                                                                                                                                                                                   

" is she the girl that you said will with us for her  studies?"                                                                                

  "yes she is the one her name is Beiyna, she may be a big step far behind from the other students but please bear with her and try to understand were she is coming from,I hope you will give her the support she needs."                                                                                                                                    

  "don't you worry miss we will be with her every step of the way ,and about her being behind,don't you think you are under estmating her ? I when I look at her I see a very inteligent girl who is determent to do something and go somewhere.You know only few girls like her come along way and still have the courage to go back to school, most of these girls if you haven't realised yet ,they end up being prostitutes ,drug addicts and a whole lot of other stuff,they do not care how much was spent on them and mostly by who, what ever comes to their mind is just that,and with all due respect but America and Africa are very diffrent in every aspect of life "          

      "well as much as I hate to admit it my self but you are right ,and thats precisely why I am asking you to please take care of my girl please ??????"                                                                                      

       "Dont worry Beatrice just leave everything to me and I will handle it okey???"                                  

" Well I guess I should be leaving then,"

"oh so soon ?"

"ahah well if there are other requirements then please do tell ,I will stay"

"no Miss.Daud its nothing ,just thought you will be around for some time,but please go ahead and do not worry about her she is in good hands."

"why thank you Mrs.Darpha "                                                                                                                                              

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