Chapter 8~ Dead Meat Mutt!

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He let me go and leaned against the wall taking in the girls appearance a grin on his face. My wolf was beyond mad but I just waited. "That's me. Who wants to know?" he grinned causing the girl to blush. He chuckled and started to walk towards her. 

I growled a bit but he didn't notice. He started to whisper into the girl's ear causing her to giggle and blush. You kidding me! I snarled louder, but he didn't seem to care. Why bother. I shook my head and shifted. I knew she was a werewolf by her scent. I walked into the woods behind the girl. But before I could leave I heard dayne cuss. I glanced towards him to see his eyes locked with mine. I shook my head growling. He took a step towards me mumbling sorry, but I growled louder and bared my teeth at him. 

'Please babe I'm sorry I don't know what got into me.' he spoke to me in my mind. I growled louder and watch as he shifted walking towards me.

'Don't come near me or I will kill you without a second thought.' I could see the hurt in his eyes with the words I said. But I wasn't going to be pushed around and be a second toy for him. As a alpha I also had the power to remove marks. I looked dead into his eyes and listened to him wince as I removed the mark he put on me.

'Your not my mate anymore...your free so go act like the dog you are.' I snarled at him and he winced. He took a step towards me and I tackled him ripping into his side growling.

I would have done more damage if that stupid she-wolf didn't stop me. She had shifted into a reddish color wolf and threw me off of dayne. I snarled standing up. There where normal humans still around and I didn't want them to see us. 

'Let's handle this somewhere else fae.' I growled and bounding into the woods with both the girl and dayne running behind me. Two more people joined both my pack mates. We ran deep into the forest until we reached a small meadow. One I always fought in. I looked at dayne who was trying to stop me and I snapped at him again. He looked down and moved away. This was between me and the stupid she-wolf that stood before me.


Dayne's P.O.V.


I watched as the love of my life circle the girl that I felt attracted to. Why did I act the way I did, especially with the way me and me mate where acting before she came. My wolf growled louder as I watched my mate get low to the ground her body moving in such swift, graceful movements taking her opponent down with one blow. I smiled watched my mate fight. I glanced at the two males that watched my mate both grinning. I snarled and they snarled back letting me know that she wasn't owned anymore by me. I cussed forgetting she removed the mark, which hurt me so bad.

My wolf flattened his ears as I laid down and watched. The other she-wolf who's name was Amber attacked my mate biting into her neck and clamping down shut. I snarled. I wasn't going to let her hurt my mate. I could hear Jasmine whimper softly as she went to kick her off. I growled getting up and running into the field. Jasmine gave a flick of her tail and before I knew it I was pinned by her two males. I growled loudly, no one was stopping me this time. I threw them off and knocked them both out within seconds thanks to my alpha speed.

I ran into the field and knocked Amber off of my mate pinning her down and growling. She smiled and licked my nose but I snapped at her growling. She grinned and I got off. Her tail rubbed under my chin giving off her heat scent which made my mouth water, but I didn't need her. I had my mate that I still wanted. My wolf snarled in disgust and ran towards jasmine as she was healing. I licked at her wounds and she snarled at me baring her canines.

I wasn't going to be pushed by her anymore. I stood over her growling louder with more power in my chest as I let a growl ripple through the woods. I growled and bared my teeth at her. Slowly she started to stop. Occasionally she would growl but as I stood over her and growled not letting her move, she finally gave in and submitted. I didn't like forcing her like this and breaking her down like this but I had to. I bite into her neck softly until she fully understood who was running this small battle now. Her tail tucked and so did her ears and I knew I had finally won. I let go of her neck but before she could move I bit into her shoulder marking her as mine again. 

'If you would just give me a second chance. I don't know what came over me back there. I still think its because I'm not fully mated with you. But I want to change that and be yours, just as you will be mine. Your all I want so please...can I have a second chance?' I pleaded with all I had looking deep into the hazel eyes I love. 


Sorry for such short chapter.


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