Chapter 6~ Saved!

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'As soon as I catch you, you are mine and I you wont get off easy.' he thought to me, in a sexy voice and I whined softly, but kept running. I knew once he had me I was dead. It was only a matter of seconds until I would run out of energy and give in. Letting him win, and I wasn't planning on it anytime soon. Hopefully not tonight.


Jasmine's P.O.V :

His thoughts of what he would do to me rang so clear in my ears, images rushing through my mind. I whimpered softly only wanting him more. He growled knowing, and picked up speed. I smiled a bit his clothes still locked in my jaws as I ran even faster. But would he really claim me if I said I didn't want him to? I wonder what I got myself into this time. Did I want him to?

I could see that soon the sun would be rising, we had run for hours non- stop, and I was getting tired. My muscles were acheing in pain. I felt my body slowing down each minute that passed. I could hear his chuckle as he knew I was getting tired. I couldn't run anymore and I dropped to the ground. My legs shaking, I was panting hard and couldn't stop. 

Every muscle of mine ached in pain. I heard him growling softly as he licked him side, then to my cheek. Shivers ran all over my body, I closed my eyes and shifted to human form, and he did the same. But the only problem was he was naked and I was dressed. I threw him his clothes and looked away as he got dressed. I could feel his eyes scanning over my body, savoring every bit of me he saw. When I looked back at him his eyes were bright golden, and locked on mine. 

I stood up and started to walk away, to tired to even argue or fight. The run had taken so much energy from me, I was suprised I could still walk, but that all went away. I felt my legs go numb and I almost fell but dayne caught me.

Dayne's P.O.V :

I could tell that within a matter of seconds she would be giving up, but it was only how she would give up. Would she beg for me to leave her alone and let her go? Or just let me take her? Maybe both, she will be begging me and wanting me to let her go. But I was not planning on doing neither. She finally stopped and shifted, I grinned looking at her then shifted. I felt something hit my face and realized it was my clothes. Laughing I got dressed, I could feel my wolf waiting for the chance, but I didn't want to rush her and hurt her later.

The feeling and thoughts of hurting her made me sick, I would never do that to her. I watched as she started to walk away wobbling a couple times until she almost callapsed, but of course Mr. Hero -me- saved her once again. I smiled and picked her up softly bridal style, I wasn't going to do what I had planned tonight, she looked drain and in pain. I kissed her forehead and walked back to my house.

She first protested about me taking her to my house, but I tightned my grip and didn't take no for an answer. She was going to stay at my place. Walking up the stairs I finally reached my room and laid her in the bed. She let go and laid down, I smiled at her. She was sleep, and looked so peacfull. I got into the bed next to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She was mine and that all I wanted her to be. Mine. My wolf was pissed that I just didn't claim her, but I wanted her to want me.

I smiled again when she snuggled closer to me. 'Your whipped. You didn't claim her when you could of and now your cuddling....WHAT THE HELL!!' my wolf growled but I ignored him. I was to tired to listen to his little tantrum on not getting what he wanted. But I'll find a way to get her into bed with me. She will be begging for me to take her by tomorrow night. By that time I me and my wolf will both get what we wanted. My mate and what she had to offer. I chuckled in my head nad closed my eyes. Breathing in my mate's sweet scent, her even breathing put me to sleep in no time as we both laid in my bed asleep. Holding her like she would vanish by the time I wake up, I was peacefull for once. Calm, content, and happy.


Well sorry its short, I'm getting everything back on track so it will be longer again by next post promise. Well enjoy :) ~M

©Copyright Jonaiya Rogers, 2011

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