Part 7 End

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Raion disappeared. The air became stuffy and cold. Naru frowned. He reappeared behind Mai. She screamed, as he pushed her.

"Mai!" Monk shouted.

Naru paid no mind to Mai, he was still a little upset with her. Tora was too.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Tora screamed at her.

Mai gasped, it was true, it was all her fault.

Raion began to throw things at them. Lin whistled, but Raion disappeared before his familiers had a chance to act. Everything that they did, Raion managed to get past them.

"He's too strong!" Monk said.

Raion tried to get to Tora. But he couldn't get past the circle. Raion just became angrier, he became violent. Tora watch in horror as her friends were getting hurt. Tora heart quickened, she stepped out of the circle, Raion saw her out of the circle, she ran out of the room, he fallowed her.

"TORA!" They all shouted.

They all ran after her.

Tora ran and ran.

Tora had inner power she never knew about, it didn't show until now.

White light flowed around her. She looked a Raion and glared.

"Raion, it is time for you leave, you've had your time here, now this place is for the living." Tora said.

Raion growled, and went right after her. Tora closed her eyes.

The others entered the room.

"The power of grace!" Tora said, once she said that, white flooded the room, Raion flew back. Like the light burned him, he gave out a wail, and he disappeared, the feeling in the room lifted like it was under a spell. Then sent of roses filled the room. Then Tora went down, she blacked out.

"Tora!" Monk gasped he ran to her.

"What was that?" Mai asked.

"I don't know Mai, why do you always assume everyone's know everything, you most of all!" Naru asked.

Mai growled

"I'm sorry I'm so stupid your highness!" Mai said, face turning red.

Naru payed no mind to her sarcasm.

Monk was cradling Tora. Naru knelt down, felt her pulse, her frowned.

"Her pulse is weak, Lin push the button." Naru said.

Lin did, 15 minutes passed, nurses and Mrs. Hana came into the room. They immediately went to Tora. A male nurse came in with a gurney, gently they put Tora on the gurney, and led her out, and into infirmary, they hooked her to a water bag, and put a oxygen mask on her.

Naru and the others looked down at her. She looked peaceful.

"Is she going to be okay?" Mai asked.

"She's in shock!" Mrs. Hana said. "Other than that she'll be okay!"

"How long will she in shock?" Mai asked.

"I don't know, only time will tell!" Mrs. Hana said.

Mai looked over at Naru, he actually looked worried.

"I've never seen that look before!" Mai thought to herself.

"The ghost is gone, the patients should be okay now." Naru said.

"I can't thank you enough, Mr. Shibuya!" Mrs. Hana said.

Naru shook her hand, then they left. Naru looked back at Tora one last time before he left. He's grown attached to her for some reason, kind of like a little sister he never had.

This is the end of this story, but don't get too discouraged, it will continue in another story. The next one is called Ghost Hunt: Spark of Light. 

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