~Moving Day!~Chap. 1

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Astril's POV
I woke up and said "MOVING DAY! I am SOO EXITED!!" I said as I got up and changed (the picture is what you look like and what you are wearing is the picture as well) and got the final boxes in the moving van and whistled signaling Snowball and Joseph, my two dogs, to come and they got in the truck and snowball was on my lap while Joseph was in the passenger seat and then I drove to MyStreet

//10 hours later//

"Ahhh, finally, I'm here!" I said as I stopped and opened the back of the truck and whistled and Joseph came and helped me with the boxes (snowball-fluffy white dog, Joseph-light brown husky) and I grabbed one and carried them to my room since it was labeled 'bedroom' and when I put it down I heard the doorbell

Garroth's POV
I saw a girl with black hair and blue eyes and red headphones get some heavy boxes from a truck so I said "Hey guys! Over here!" Then Laurance,Dante,and Travis said "What is it?" At the same time "Look" I said while I pointed to the girl who was moving right next to us "Heyyyyyy babyyyyyy, nice booteh" Travis said as Laurance smacked him in the head and said "DO YOU EVER LEARN?!" "Well I'm helping her, see ya guys!" I said as I walked to her house and pressed the doorbell

Astril's POV
I went to the door and opened it to see a boy with Blonde Hair and Blue Ocean Eyes "Oh, hi!" I said "Hey, Uhm....Welcome to MyStreet!" He said "Thanks" I said, I swear he looks familiar "Oh right, Well sorry but, I'm Garroth Ro'Meave" Garroth said then it hit me in the head HARD "GARROTH?! GARROTH RO'MEAVE?! FROM HIGHSCHOOL?!" I said "Huh?" He said as he stood there confused "Oh right, Astril Moon, Remember? In highschool?" I said "ASTRIL?!" Garroth said as he hugged me and I hugged back and let go then three more familiar boys, Blue,White,and Dirty Blonde haired boys ran and said "We heard screaming, what happened?" "L-Laurance? Dante? Travis?" I said "How do you-guys, this is Astril, from highschool" Garroth said as I waved shyly "ASTRIL?!" The three of them said "Well if you boys are just here to talk then pls, leave, I still have loads of boxes to unpack, which reminds me" I said as I whistled and both Snowball and Joseph came and said "Okay, now you two are helping me with the boxes, okay?" I said to my animal friends and they nodded and carried boxes and I got one aswell and Garroth ran off to some house

Aphmau's POV
I was just reading a book in my room until I heard the doorbell so I said "I'll get it!" Then I opened it and saw Garroth run in "KAWAII~CHAN?!" He said "Yes Garroth~Kun?" KC said "DO YOU HAVE COOKIES?!" Garroth said "Yes Garroth~Kun! Kawaii~Chan just finished baking them!" KC said "I-WELL WE NEED SOME!" Garroth said "What for Garroth?" I said "A new girl moved in" He said pointing to a moving truck "and not JUST a GIRL, ITS ASTRIL!!!" Garroth said as I ran to get Katelyn and knocked down her door "APHMAU!" Katelyn said "YOU ARE COMING WITH ME AND KAWAII~CHAN RIGT NOW!" I said as I dragged her downstairs and got cookies and a plate and dragged them there "let's goooo!!!" I said as I dragged the three of them there

Astril's POV
I was carrying a box for the kitchen until I heard footsteps so when I put it down I saw a Girl with Hazel eyes and copper skin,Light blue hair, and Pink hair who is a Meif'wa "ASTRIL!!" She said as she gave me a hug "Wait...APHMAU, KATELYN, KAWAII~CHAN?!!!" I said "SO MANY OLD FACES! IVE MISSED YOU ALL SOO MUCH!!" I said as I hugged the girls but mostly Katelyn since we were like, besties since I first attended Phoenix Drop High "Now are you just gonna stand there and NOT help me!?" I said as Katelyn playfully punched me "haven't changed one bit eh?" She said as I giggled and grabbed a few more boxes until Laurance saw my guitar and said "You play?" "Y-yeah, only a little and I have a piano too," I said "So that's why this box next to it is huge" Laurance said as I grabbed my guitar and sat on a rock and started to play it and sing (music and to lazy to write lyrics, sorry peeps it's really late for meh) Then I heard clapping but when I looked at everyone they weren't the ones clapping so when I looked to everyone's side I saw "AARON!" I said as I hugged him and let go "Wow, you've improved on the guitar" He said "AND LETS NOT FORGET THE PIANO!" I said "There's only a few boxes left so, wanna help?" I said "Sure Astril" He said as he carried the last boxes which were for the music room and all the boys carried the piano while me and the girls just watched then I saw TWO MORE familiar faces "Hey Aph-ASTRIL?!" They both said "CADENZA?! NICOLE?!" I said as we hugged then parted "I guess I'll have to unpack tomorrow, thanks for helping guys!" I said as they left and I went inside and got my sleeping bag and slept

937 words not including this

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